Prologue and Chapter 1

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So any ideas?

What do you think I am?

Still no clue?

Okay, let’s abandon the exercise.  If you haven’t guessed yet, I’ll phrase it this way.  I’m inside you all the time.  I never leave…

Unless you encounter some accident (unforeseen or on purpose).

A nasty car wreck.

Spontaneous combustion.  My #1 favorite.

A chance encounter with a vampire.  My #2 favorite.

An attack by an animal like a tiger, a Teumessian fox, werewolf, or any other furry.

You get the idea.

Okay, I’ll come clean.

I’m the essence of life.  If I’m getting carried away some, maybe I should just keep it simple.  I like simple.  I’m the red stuff flowing in your veins.

I am Blood.

I’ll pause for a moment and say something witty to my host while you digest that notion.  Be right back.


Where was I?  Oh yes, I remember.  Obviously you may be wondering at this point what side I favor.  Good or Evil?  I’d like to say that I have a political stance, an agenda, or maybe even a religion.  But I don’t.  I don’t get into the whole good or evil muck.  Life is life.  I need to be coursing through the veins of some organism’s body.  It doesn’t matter who it is.

I will have to say though I love vampires.  I hit the jackpot when I found this host.  Talk about motivation.  Drive.  Determination.  Focus.  The next meal.  That’s what my vampire always has on her mind.

Maybe I do keep the thirst in her turned up a notch.  That’s to be expected, right?  I won’t confess to anything, however.  It could be me or it could be her.  Once she finds her next meal and feeds, I calm down and give her the night off.  I curl up in my favorite spot, tucked behind her ear, warm and satisfied, purring like a kitten.  I’m utterly harmless at that point.

Vampires are really the rock stars of the Blood world.  Admittedly, the Blood Realm thrives on them.  I have friends who try to deny it, but it’s true.  They simply won’t acknowledge one basic fact about vampires.  We need them and they need us.  Our existence goes hand in hand, similar to our fate with humans.  We need you and you need us.  That’s not just my opinion either.  It’s a fact.  Watch your blood run out of you and see where you are?  Dead.  You get the picture, right?  Thought so.

I suppose if I did have to pick a side, between good and evil, I’d select good.  My host certainly has, so her battles are my battles.  And to make matters worse – I am a selfish sort as you may have guessed – if I don’t transfer to another being before my main host dies, then I die too.  Isn’t that a kick in the gonads for ya?

Here’s why I bring it up: my host, my vampire is facing criticism for doing what is in her nature to do.  Actually she’s facing Judgment Day.  She was sent to Earth with essentially her good looks, laptop, iPhone, and a tummy full of angel blood.  She was told to stay out of trouble.  Okay maybe my memory of the situation is hazy.  I could be wrong.  All I know is that a vampire with a limited supply of blood is going to have a tough time ‘staying out of trouble.’  Don’t you think?

I should have known it was going to end at some point.  How could I get so lucky having such a wonderful host who actually listens to me, and not expect it to end some day?  Right?  Surely you know what I’m saying?  I can’t be jumping back and forth from host to host.  That takes talent.  A talent I don’t have, by the way.  We can get into that later.  There’s plenty of time.  Right now, I’m more worried about her.  Even for a vampire, a complicated one like she is, that is not an easy task.

The Vampire from Hell (Part 3) - A Vampire on Vacation (Sample)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang