Diary Entry 4 - Romeo

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Diary Entry 4

Dear Diary,

I can't believe that I killed my wife's cousin; she will never forgive me for as long as I live as I know I may have acted a bit too rashly. I kept telling Tybalt that I wanted to keep the peace but I'm the one who broke the peace. How could I have been so stupid? I don't know what got into me, I was so sure that if I told him that I didn't  want to fight that he would understand but when he killed Mercucio I just lost it and my body moved on its own, I was so filled with rage that I killed him unconsciously. Mercucio, he was so angry that it was him that died when the fight was supposed to be between the Capulet's and Montague's that his last words were "A plague O both your houses!" How could he say that? I thought we were friends! I killed Tybalt for him! I shall be banished for my crime. For as long as I have lived I have never set foot out of Verona; how will I cope? How can I take care of myself? Will I ever be able to see Juliet one last time and tell her just how deeply sorry I am? I don't know what to do anymore. I guess that I shall be on my own from now on. I hate this! I hate this! First I fall in love with Rosaline: I get heartbroken. Then I fall in love with Juliet: I kill her cousin. It's almost like I am destined to be alone.


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