Time to go!

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Taichi Yuuki hated his life! He was always the smallest when the family went somewhere. At school, when you had to line up tallest to shortest, he was always the shortest. Taichi Yuuki had enough of the nonsense that went on in school, he was tired of it. 

One day, while Taichi Yuuki was lying in bed, he heard a tapping noise. What could it be? He got out of his cat bed and pushed it forward. It wasn't from under him. Then he heard it again! What was that?! Taichi Yuuki was starting to get very mad. He looked outside the room, there was nothing there. Was he dreaming? Tap! Tap! He heard it again. He looked up at the window to see a mouse. Taichi Yuuki had never seen a mouse before, he had heard you were supposed to chase it, but it seemed harmless and sweet. The mouse waved him over. Taichi Yuuki jumped onto some boxes to get to the ledge of the window. Then he carefully opened it without waking anybody. 

"Hi, I am Kenji!" the mouse said in a very squeaky whisper. 

"Hi, I am Taichi Yuuki, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"I will explain later. Come with me, hurry!" the mouse answered running outside into the dawn. Taichi Yuuki got outside and closed the window again. 

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