The garage is technically attached to the house, accessible through the mudroom, but Karlie still thinks it counts as a loophole. She and Taylor are giggling by the time they stumble inside. Karlie's hands are already wandering under Taylor's shirt, and she looks around to make sure they're actually alone. The garage smells faintly of exhaust and oil but it's not strong enough to kill the mood. The Volkswagen that the twins share is taking up the majority of the space, and Karlie decides to put it to good use. Taylor lets out a surprised little squeal when she's lifted into the air and then placed on the hood of the car.

Before Taylor can make a sarcastic comment about having to sit on someone's car, Karlie eagerly brings their lips together. It feels like forever since they've had intimate contact. It's impossible to be truly alone with so many family members running around, and now it feels as if Karlie has Taylor to herself for the first time since they left the city. She plans on taking full advantage of it.

The kisses are hard and fast due to the sense of urgency hanging in the air. If they're going to do this, they need to be relatively quick and extremely quiet. Taylor is already having trouble with the latter, letting out breathy moans as Karlie's lips make a familiar trail down the length of her throat. Taylor's hands wander under Karlie's shirt, her fingers dancing across the prominent muscles lining Karlie's stomach. Taylor's sweater comes off, and after Karlie unsnaps her bra she gets momentarily sidetracked. She stands back and stares, taking her girlfriend in for a moment. Her hair is a little messy from how many times Karlie's ran her fingers through it in the last few minutes. Her usual shade of red lipstick is a little faded and her eyes look bluer than usual. They're bright and wide and the smile on her face is so pure that it makes Karlie's chest ache a little. She's still wondering how someone as beautiful as Taylor can exist.

"You're making me nervous." Taylor shyly covers her chest with her arm, biting on her lower lip while her bangs fall over her eyes. Karlie cups Taylor's blushing face and brings their lips together again. She feels Taylor's shyness evaporate almost immediately, and they're both once again set into a frenzy. It's an awkward angle to work from with Taylor sprawled out across the hood of a Jetta, but they're both determined to make it work. Taylor has lost every inhibition she had when they had gone off to find a place to fool around, and Karlie currently has a one track mind. She's kissing on Taylor's stomach and fiddling with the button and zipper of her jeans.

"The one time you decide not to wear a skirt," Karlie mumbles in frustration as she yanks at the zipper impatiently.

"It's like twenty degrees outside." Taylor laughs breathily.

"That's never stopped you before."

Taylor has no time to get out a rebuttal. The sound of the garage door sliding open reverberates off the walls. Karlie's head jerks up and her mouth falls open when she sees a partial view of the driveway as the door continues to rise. Taylor lets out a little noise but Karlie's hand quickly falls over her girlfriend's mouth. She pulls Taylor off of the hood of the car before they can be seen. They both drop onto the ground, Taylor grabbing her bra as an afterthought before they duck behind the front of the twins' car. It's Karlie's dad and both of her uncles. They're talking animatedly about something and Karlie feels her breath hitch in her throat as they get closer to the where she and Taylor are crouching.

Taylor is still trying to get her bra on, looking panicked as her fingers fumble with the clasp in the back. Karlie quickly does it for her and then grabs her by the arm, crawling around the car to remain hidden.

Karlie risks peeking again when she hears her father digging around for something in one of the toolboxes he keeps pressed against the far end wall. His back is to the car but her uncles are standing right by the hood on the other side. If one of them were to turn around and crane his neck just slightly, they'd be caught. Karlie says a silent prayer and tries to ignore how painful Taylor's grip on her arm is. Her fingernails are digging into the skin of Karlie's forearm.

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