"Hm that's nice...now try not to be maniacal." Harry said. Zayn sighed and tried again.

"Hello to you too..." He said while he slightly bit his lip. Harry just stared at him and Zayn glared at him. "Now what." He said.

"Nothing... I'm just thinking..." He said. After a while he clapped. "Just say small things. Don't sound like a creep and if you have to be slightly cheesy."

Zayn nodded and Harry picked up his bags. "Let's go."

+ + +

Zayn stood to the side and he watched as the club filled up. Rich men had women hanging on them while he chuckled about some humorless thing.

He then glanced to Harry who was across who already had some girl he was flirting with him. He let out a chuckle before he looked to the bar that was only a few feet away from him. He walked over and sat at the stool.

"What can I get ya love?" A blonde bar tender asked. She had her hair in a high pony and her make up consisted of a dark smoky eye and a red lip.

"Oh no...I..." Zayn began. But he bit his lip and he remembered what Harry had told him. "You know what...give me a hard tequila." He said. The blonde nodded and grabbed the tequila from below before she began to mix.

"Tell me...what is a young man like you doing here?" She asked as she poured him his drink.

"Doing what everyone else does..." Zayn said glancing around and saw a couple strippers lap dancing with some men but no baseball cap.

"Well I hate to tell you this love...you don't exactly look like you fit in a place like this." She said. Zayn looked to her and narrowed his eyes a little.

"Nice to try something new." He said before sipping on the tequila. "Tell me what is your name?" He asked. The blonde perked an eyebrow.

"Perrie." She said leaning against the counter. She leaned in a little more and looked him up and down. "Tell me...what is your name?"

"Z...Zach." He said. Lord knows what would happen when someone would find out his name. He took another drink of his tequila and made a slight face at the bitterness.

"What's the matter Zach? Can't take a lil tequila?" She asked with a smirk. Zayn rose his eyebrows at her. It sounded like a challenge

+ + +

"Let me tell you something...this drink..isss amazayn!" Zayn slurred drunk as he drank his what seemed like his millionth drink. Perrie smirked at the lad.

"Another?" She asked. Zayn nodded and held the glass up before tapping it all wobbly and looked around. He forgot what he was even for. Something he had to do with Harry.

Harry was done with the night before he looked for Zayn. "Oi! Harry! You're partner is over there...he's gonna be a little intoxicated..." Louis shouted before he went into his office.

Harry sighed before he walked over to Zayn and put his hand on his shoulder causing the drunk man to jump. "HARREH!" He exclaimed. He stood up and he hugged Harry with a hum. Harry let out a sigh before he patted his back.

"Cmon Zayn...we should go home.." He said.

"Wait wait wait..." He said going to the counter with the tequila. He drank it down and took a second before he nodded. "Let's go." He said

Zayn walked off and left Harry behind. He nodded to Perrie before he glanced to Louis's office window. He saw him glancing out the window before he shut the blinds. Harry narrowed his eyes before he shook it off and followed Zayn.

A/N I HAD TO MAKE ZAYN DRUNK AND OMG IM LAUGHING RN. oh and if you give me hate comments about Perrie I will report you 😊

Any who comment: #drunkzayn

Also vote and that stuff


Katie xx

The Hit and Run // Zarry (Short Story) ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant