Chapter Two

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I woke up to the smell of freshly made pancakes which meant my mom was home. I quickly got dressed then made my way downstairs. We arrived to school as I saw Sarah waiting for me by the entrance giving me a pump of excitement. The bell rung for lunch and we happen to have the same break which was a relief. As we walked to lunch Sarah told me all about the cliques along with some other things. We grabbed some food and sat down at a random table which happen to be across from the guy with curly hair.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot about Harry and them! The one with curly hair is Harry, he's known for having sex with a different girls every week but he's the most popular guy in the school and every girl here wants him"

"I accidentally bumped into him yesterday and he seemed nice"

"Ah he can be a big jerk" and then she went on telling me about all the other guys sitting there.  As we were talking I noticed him look in our direction every so often. As lunch came to an end we grabbed our trays and headed towards our fifth period.


The bell rung letting us free from school as I got yet another text from my brother telling me he had plans with his friends and couldn't drive me home. Instead of making Sarah feel like she has to drive me home all the time I just decided to walk. The wind seemed to always be out in London which made me happy because I love cold weather. I finally came to the familiar house and walked inside to see a note on the kitchen counter

Another surgery. Might be home tomorrow. Love you -mom

I sat on the couch for a while until I heard laughter outside the living room window. I peeked out the drapes to see a group of football players along with my brother entering the front gate of our house.

I really wish I made friends as fast as he does.

The door opened revealing a million guys. My brother released a scream and ran towards me making me yell and cover my self. He jumped on me making me yelp in pain. After an agonizing 20 minutes he finally got off of me and laughed along with the others.

"I'm gonna kill you" I said taking off after him. I ran upstairs as I heard millions of feet herding up after me. I finally found the room he was in, but soon felt a pair of hands wrap around my stomach pulling me away from the door.

"Let go of me!" I screamed as the musclier figure took me downstairs. The grip loosened and I turned around seeing the guy Malik smiling. I realized right then that I would never get to Blake.

"I'm done.. Bye Blake" I yelled and ran out the door. I started to walk down the street just exploring waiting for all the guys to leave the house. I was passing this beautiful mansion with a jet black Mercedes in front and couldn't stop staring, the place was so amazing.

"Hey love you like the view??" I heard a familiar deep tone yell. I looked and saw Harry sitting in his driveway with some of his friends.

"Oh sorry" I quietly said and started walking faster to get away from the embarrassment.

I quickly walked down the street not knowing where I happen to be. I heard a engine roaring behind me and saw Malik get out.

"You want a ride?" He smiled

"Yes please, I'm about to freeze my hands off"

He drove me back to my house and as we entered I heard loud voices.

"Oooooo Malik I thought you were picking up pizzas, not Blake's sister" suddenly a lot of whistles occur and wiggling of the eyebrows happend. I blush and make my way towards the stairs as a hand grabs my wrist.

"Hey, why don't you stay and hangout..?" Malik looked at me scratching his neck

"I'm not sure if I should, you guys seem... entertained enough..." I chuckle watching all the boys jump up screaming at the tv. The day passes and I fall asleep watching Netflix. My alarm rings, startling me and forcing me to get up for school.


I walk inside the building getting greeted by Malik which gives me a smile.

"Why are you always so happy?" I chuckle looking at him

"I don't know, I just am" he replies smiling.

"Mhmm somehow I believe you have a little secret your not telling me" I tap my chin looking serious

"Maybe I have a evil plan to take over the world" I let out a giggle and smile at his joke

"I would bel-" I was cut off by the impact of someone's chest hitting my face. I put my hand on my face feeling like a ton of bricks just feel on me.

"I'm so sorry love" I hear a raspy voice say as he grabs my arm

"It's fine but we gotta stop meeting like this" I rub my head

"I agree" he winks

"Well we better be going" Malik puts his hand on my back nudging me forward

"Are you guys dating?" Niall the blonde hair asks

"What? No" I reply

"He's acting like your boyfriend" Louis chuckles

"Shove it Louis" Malik sternly says

"Well I'm gonna go to class... Bye" I awkwardly state and walk off

"SARAH!!!" I scream seeing her short blonde hair appear.

"Kaleigh!!!" She yells through the groups of people standing around.

"I was just walking with Malik a-"

"Malik Morrison?! The quarter back???" She questions loudly

"Yea... Anyways... I bumped into Harry and his friends seemed to dislike Malik because they got in a argument over nothing.."

"Well well your little Mrs popular huh?" She chuckles "but um yea they all have a problem with each other because a few years ago Harry stole Malik's girlfriend and they never stopped being angry towards each other".

That must suck to never forgive someone....

After my English honors class I made my way to lunch realizing Harry and his friends were walking a few feet from me. I put my head down trying to go unnoticed but it failed terribly.

"Hey new girl" I looked up to see all the guys looking at me

"Hi" I said trying to walk faster

"What's your name love?" Liam questions

"Kaleigh.. Kaleigh Davidson" I mutter

"Cool name you got there" Niall winks

"Alright guys lets get to lunch" Harry says annoyed walking at a faster pace

"Damn mate, can I at least have time to say bye?" Louis says looking at me and waving with a smile. I slightly blush and walk towards Sarah who's wiggling her eyebrows

"What was that all about?" She blurts out

"Just being nice" I smile

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