Chapter VII: Grelock

Start from the beginning

Moragan’s face froze in shock and she released her grip on him. “How do you…?”

“I saw it. I saw it as clearly as I see you now. You and I aren’t so different, you know? I understand why you did it and I don’t blame you. I’m not your enemy. If it’s your soul you’re after, I can help you get it back. I don’t know if a soul can be reclaimed once it’s sold but I’m willing to try.”

To Jason’s surprise the hate and rage that had vanished came flooding back to Moragan’s face and her hand flew back to its killing grip. “You think that’s what this is all about?” she said through gritted teeth. “I gave Lucifer my soul because I chose to, not because he bought it. Don’t you dare listen to those treacherous sky dwellers! They know nothing of anything beyond their pearly white fortresses. Lucifer was everything to me! He saved me!”

“Saved you?”

“That’s right. When I was a child, I was considered by my family to be such an utter and complete failure that they used to lock me in with the humans. Slaves, who took all of their hate for my kind, out on me! They would beat me, rape me and torment me, while my family sat back and said I was getting what I deserved for being such an embarrassment to them! You know what that does to you when you’re that age? When you’re ten? It destroys you! But then, just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore, that the only way out was to kill myself, he came to me. Lucifer, the ruler of Hell, one of the most powerful and feared beings in the world, came to the aid of a little vampire nobody. He killed the humans and took me away from there. Had I known that Michael was the one responsible for killing him, I would have torn that filthy angel apart long before those demons ever got to him!”

Something clicked in Jason’s mind and Moragan’s voice was in his head. I will never give up on you, master. I know you’re still out there. I can feel you. I swear I will find you and when I do—I will do whatever it takes to bring you back!

Now it all made sense to Jason, a dreadful feeling of fear was starting to spread through him. Michael was wright, he should’ve been more careful with Moragan. She wanted the map so she could use whatever it led to, to bring back her fallen master. To bring back Lucifer. And she was willing to do whatever it took to make it happen.

The only question left for Jason now was, how long would it be before she no longer needed him?

Surely if Moragan managed to bring back Lucifer, he was as good as dead. After all, what use could he be to the devil when he couldn’t even turn into a vampire properly. But then what choice did he have? If he refused to help Moragan, she’d kill him. His best option was to play for time. My only option.

“I’m sorry, Moragan,” he lied. “I didn’t know. I swear, I’ve only ever been trying to help you and I’ll do whatever it takes to see this through.” The words sounded stupid as he spoke them, even to him—would they to her? He wanted to confront her and find out exactly what she had in store for him but unfortunately that would have to wait for when his life wasn’t in the palm of her hand.

Assuming that day ever came.

 “You’re lucky I like you, Jason.” She cupped his chin in her free hand and forced him to look into her eyes. “But don’t think that means I’ll let my guard down around you. We have a very important job to do. We need to keep moving, but just remember I know what you’re doing here. If you so much as think of running out on me, it’ll be the last mistake you ever make.”

Right. Like I’m actually going to survive this. Jason rolled his eyes—once she’d turned away—and followed behind her like a dog on a leash.

The two walked in silence for some time until they came upon a single metal line embedded in the ground.

“See that?” Moragan said, pointing to the metal. “It’s a rail line. They run between the vampire cities. If we follow it, we should eventually run across a station where we can board a train.”

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