Chapter 01 - Mia

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"Hello! Hello! Rise and shine! We've got some work to do!" I woke up to the sound of a female voice. Eh? That's wierd. I live alone in my apartment. I have no friends that are close to the place where i'm living right now.

My mind wanted to see who it was,but my eyes and body declined. I wanna sleep some more. "No. I'm still tired.." I mumbled and buried my face in my pillow. Seriously?! Who is this?! "I said,get up!" It said childishly. I forced myself to stood out of bed and i almost had a heart attack.

I was greeted by an extremely adorable girl,i think she's the same as my age. No homo,by the way. She has a cyan-colored hair that was tied in twintails,she was wearing a silver tube with green linings and frilly edges and a ballerina-looking silver mini-skirt. She also has.. Wings?!

"W-What the hell are you?! Why are you here?!" I asked and aimed to throw a pillow at her. "Woah,woah. Calm down my gal! I'm here to do my job. Gimme a second to introduce myself. Pretty please?" She raised her eyebrows at me,like asking. I nodded my head. Better to know who this fairy-looking thing is.

"This might be hard for you to think that this is real,but its all real! I'm not a figment of your imagination. You should feel lucky i'm trying to help you. My name is Miyu Candypop. A love fairy helping poor n.b.s.b girls like you to have the confidence to hit around boys and have your very own boyfriend. But you know,its okay. I require you to have as many as you can." She winked at me, "I also help people who aren't straight. Its fun matchmaking." *n.b.s.b means no boyfriend since birth*

Ooh.. Does that mean.. She's going to help so i can finally have a boyfriend of my own?! Oh my gosh!

"And oh,not to brag but i have the highest reviews in all love fairies. All my past clients are basically walking babe magnets now." She proudly smirked and crossed her arms. "All you need to do is pick a location. I'd give you some tips on how to approach that depends on their mood. Don't worry,people can't see me except for my current client. Fairy magic you got there." She giggled.

"How about.. on Chestnut Cafe? I normally see cute boys there. Not creepy or anything." I rummaged through my clothes and picked out a fancy looking white long sleeved-shoulderless shirt that has a black cartoon cat in it and some tiger-printed leggings. "Will this be enough to grab the dangling otokos around?" I showed her the outfit i picked,her eyes sparkled and she nodded. "That looks so gorgeous! Get ready and put it on,okay? I'll wait for you in the living room!" She said and flew her way out of my room. ("Otoko" means boy. I only added 's' for more english-effect on it.)

I took a shower,put my outfit on,curled my hair a little and put on the best makeover i could think of. I grabbed a pair of heels and my purse with some important stuff in it before i walked out of my room towards the living room to find Miyu,who was watching..Spongebob?

"Oh my goodness,girl! You look wonderful!" She cheered looking at me with amazement. "Thanks,i guess." I softly laughed. "Now,hurry up and grab your shit,we're going to find a date for you right now." She said before we walked out.


We headed towards the café and when we got there,there weren't alot of people. We got a table and chilled for a minute. Or do i say 'i'? Not 'we'? Nah,i choose 'we' even though Miyu has wings. She's a friend now.

"Uh,excuse me miss?" The guy in the table next to me called the attention of the waitress. Damn,he looked so fucking attractive! He has this yellow-striped black hair,and he looked a little feminine. That cute little nose is also too hard to not notice,so adorable.

The waitress raised her eyebrows at him,looks like she's not amused with anything happening in her life now. "I've been here for 15 minutes. I'm still waiting to be helped." He added with an elegant-sounding voice,which made him more attractive. "Umm.. My shift is already over sir,i think someone is going to replace me. It wouldn't be long before they arrive."

"Oh? But i'm only ordering a cappucino. It only takes for a second." He politely said. "Well,it takes more than a second.. So.." The waitress only said. " what?" The guy asked,but no hint of anger. "I should've left 20 minutes ago,okay?! I'm done." The waitress snapped at him,grabbed her bag and left.

"Wow. Okay." He mumbled,rolled his eyes,and looked at the window. That ungrateful bitch. How can she snap at a beautiful creature like him?! "Mm-mm! I love me some vanilla!" Miyu grabbed my attention. "I'd have a tall cup of whatever he is serving,if y'know what i mean." She giggled at me. Oh,she must be referring to the hot guy beside me.

"He looks like he's in a bad mood because of the girl earlier. That damn witch." I gritted my teeth. "Yeah,that's why just say something that he probably wants to hear. Get in his good side. Think of something that he'll agree with." Miyu gave me a tip.

"Customer service this days are so..ugh." I managed to get his attention. "I know right?! Is a cup of coffee so much to ask?! Well sorry for being a burden." He angrily crossed his arms and heaved a sigh. "Have you been here for a long time too?" He added.

I should strike a cheesy line. That way,i could make him laugh.

"I can't remember. When i look at you,time stands still." I jokingly said and he only laughed. "How cheesy can you get,miss?"

Yes! I did it! I thought i was going to annoy him! Thank god..

"Maybe really really cheesy." We both laughed. "Man,you made me have a laugh. I don't gave in easily so you should feel lucky." He gave a small smile that is still enough to make every girls' heart melt. "My name is Mia,by the way." He extended his hand for me to shook,i gladly accepted it and we handshaked.

"I'm Megumi. Nice meeting ya." I introduced myself back. "Mind moving in my table? I suggest we share a table,i want to know you alot more while we wait for our order." Mia pointed at the seat infront of him. Yes! This is a huge step! I might get alot of boyfriends now! I'm doing great on socializing!

I moved infront of him,of course *cough* with Miyu *cough* and gulped. "So,what do you wanna know about me?" He asked with a huge smile. "So i won't forget,when's your birthday?" That's a lame question. But i love asking it!

"September 17th. Don't forget,okay?" I nodded at him. "How about yours?" It was his turn to ask. "Oh,we're almost the same. September 8th." I answered. (A/N: lol my b-day is really on sept. 8 in real life)

We asked each other more questions. Just simple things we could learn about each other more. I started developing a crush on him. He seems like a really nice person.

"It was nice meeting you,Megumi-san. But i have to go now." He said and slowly stood up,i rubbed my mouth with tissues first before standing up after him. "Thanks,Mia. I had a good time." I said,my cheeks went red when he made a cute giggle.

"Thanks to you too. If it weren't for you,i could've walked home looking like i knew everyone's sins." We both laughed. After a little more talks,we finally said goodbye to each other and seperated. Haa.. It feels so nice to finally have the courage to talk to boys!

"See? I knew you had it in ya! Nice shot,Megumi!" Miyu proudly clapped at me. "Thanks Miyu- oh shit! I forgot to ask his number!" I remembered. Ugh! No way in hell! Miyu only laughed. What's so funny about that? "Let me introduce you the latest on love fairy technology,the HunieBee 4.0!" She said and grabbed this device out of nowhere. Looks similar to a phone.

"With this,you can track down your date's personal information or even numbers and social media accounts! Of course,its NOT for being creepy. The personal info is just his birthday,weight,height,type of food/drinks that he likes,type of he gifts he love to recieve etc." She explained and handed it to me.

The first profile was Mia's. Damn,he look gorgeous in his picture.

"Where did you take this pic of him?" I asked and pointed to his profile. "That's connected to his social media account!" She chuckled. Oh ok,makes sense. I put it on my purse,keeping it safe. Its important.

While we walking,a certain location grabbed my attention. Bar & Lounge. Seems like a good idea.

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