"Of Course it is Happening Inside Your Head..."//2

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"Professor McGonagall?" I asked as I knocked on a door which opened almost immediately.

"Are you Scarlett?" She asked to which I nodded. "Come in dear. We must talk."

"And now, if you would, please welcome the new students of Hogwarts!" Professor Dumbledore shouted as the new students, including me, walked into the Great Hall.

"As the eldest, may I have Miss Victoria Joseph come over?" Professor McGonagall asked as the girl walked to her.

The hall went silent as the girl sat down. Once she had finally stopped moving, McGonagall sat the sorting hat on her head. Everyone watched intently as they all wondered what house she would be put in. The sorting hat made faces as it tried to figure out which house she would be best in. It felt like forever before it decided but it was only a few minutes.

"Ravenclaw!" The hat shouted.

The girl let out a breath as the hat was removed and she joined the cheering table of Ravenclaws. I smiled as she happily made her way in between two students already sat down. The smile faded as I realized that meant I was next. Looking to my right I see dad sitting at the Professors table. He looked at me and gave me a small smile. I guess people saw it because almost immediately there was whispering everywhere. No one knew who I was. Only three students knew my first name but now everyone was going to know my full name.

"As the next eldest, can I have Scarlett Snape approach the chair?" The professor asked.

As I began to walk up I heard the gasps and the whispers increase. I felt my father's cape fly behind me making me feel like him. When I sat down I saw many shocked expressions. Normally I would've said something, like a snappy remark, but instead I smiled. When the hat came into contact with my head I knew it wouldn't take long. I was a Slytherin, no doubt about it. Everyone who knew my father more than likely knew I was a Slytherin.

"Slytherin!" See? Told you.

The hat was removed from my head and I started my descent to the house table to be met with a bunch of shocked faces instead of happy faces and clapping. Oh well. I was about to sit when I heard one person start to slowly clap with unamusement. I finally sat and looked down the table to see who was clapping and sure enough it was the guy I ran into at the station.

"Hey. I'm Pansy Parkinson." A girl sitting next to me introduced.

"I'm Blaise Zabini." The boy sitting across from me said.


"So exactly what year are you? I know the first girl was a sixth year." Pansy asked.

"I'm a fifth year." I answered.

"Fifth year? What are you doing getting sorted at fifth year?" Blaise asked.

"Yeah why fifth year?" Another boy sitting next to Blaise asked.

"I came here from Uagadou. They-"

"Wait. Uagadou as in the biggest wizarding school in the world Uagadou?" Pansy interrupted.

"Yes that one."

I heard a scoff and I turned my head to the person that it came from. Of course it was the blond. When I looked at him, he was still laughing. He only stopped when he finally noticed everyone was looking at him. Glancing around, his eyes finally landed on me. Damn his eyes were pretty. They were a greyish- blue color but they were so damn pretty and so hard to look away from.

"Any particular reason as to why you're laughing?" I ask him.

"Well it's just that you went from one of the biggest and probably best wizarding schools to this. I mean how stupid can you be? Like no offense to this school but it's shit. What did you do exactly? It must've taken a lot to get taken out of the school." He chuckled.

"I was kicked out. I got into a fight with another student and they deemed me a threat to other students." I explained not realizing that Professor Snape had walked up behind me.

"Oh really? What did you do to the poor kid?" Dad asked.

"I beat the shit out of him and broke a few bones in his- oh hi dad." I finished nervously as I turned to see dad standing behind me. "How's your morning so far?"

"Well it's a lot more interesting since I'm just now finding out how you got kicked out of that school." He answers as I awkwardly laugh.

The bell rings and before he can further the conversation, I'm off and headed to History of Magic. Once I make it to the room I notice Hermione sitting in the front. Carefully, I walk towards her. Once I get up to her I notice she's got her nose stuck in the textbook already.

"Hey do you mind if I sit with you?" I ask.

She looks at me then smiles and says to go ahead. I sit down and we strike up a conversation until the teacher enters. When Professor Binns finally enters everyone shuts up almost instantly. He walks his way from the back of the room to the front of the room, glancing at everybody as he passes.

"My subject is History of Magic. I deal with facts, not myths and legends." He says when he reaches the front. "Now time to make sure everyone is here." Everybody groans at this.

"What's so bad about that?" I ask Hermione.

"He never gets anyone's name right." She whispers back.

"Oh dear god." I groan.

Classes had finally ended for the day and I couldn't be happier. I make my way down to the Slytherin common room. Once I stop at the painting I give the passcode then crawl in when the portrait opens. I step in to see the blond, whose name I still hadn't learned yet, sitting on the couches with Blaise and two others I didn't know the names of.

"Hey Scarlett!" Blaise said as he saw me.

"Hey. What're ya doin?" I nonchalantly asked.

"Professor Snape gave us a fucking essay and it's due tomorrow." Blondie remarked.

"Oh really? Guess it just must've been you guys, he didn't mention it to my class." I smirked.

"Guess so. Wait you have that class with us!" Blaise realized.

"Yeah. But he didn't mention it out loud so guess just you four have to do it. Anywhore I'm going to bed so night." I yawned slightly.

"It's only 4:30!" One yelled as I headed to my dorm.

"Are you serious?!" I exclaimed sarcastically hearing them answer me. "I already knew that but I didn't get much sleep last night."

With that I got to my dorm and plopped down on the empty bed after putting my things away.

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