The Next Morning

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     The next morning I woke up and noticed that Kirito was not there and I thought he went to make breakfast and so I went to the kitchen to see a big buffet of pancakes and muffins and etc. So I walk to him and say," We are not going to end up eating all of this food!" He replied," Oh yes we are!" " No we are not!" as I got pushed against a wall Kirito leaned in to kiss me and well he did! *Smack* our lips touch.

               Later That Day

     Kirito and I went to town to gather some food to eat and so I picked up an orange an apple and etc. When we got back I wanted Kirito to help me make us lunch (which failed) and well he did nothing but ruin the whole thing (turns out he didn't actually make the breakfast it was frozen) well at least we had fun.
     Later after we ate dinner I wanted to go outside and that's when he purposed to marry me💝 and of course I said yes and the next day was our wedding and well we just go married our fighting clothes no big deal. And I forgot to say well we got married the day later.

      Stay tuned for the next part.

A Sword Art Online Love StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin