"Everything okay with Ron and Hermione, Harry?" Katie asked curiously. Harry shrugged. 

"Not exactly but it's nothing I can't handle." He didn't plan on telling them about what Ron did. It was uncomfortable enough that he told Fred and George and look at the result of that. She shared a worried look with Angelina and Alicia. Harry felt happy that they cared about him. The closest thing he's ever had to a family was his Quidditch team right here. Oliver, Fred, and George were the big brothers he never had and Alicia, Katie, and Angelina were the big sisters he never had. They of course never went down the trap door with him and faced all of those obstacles or found out about the spiders and where they led off too last year but they were still there for him with his normal problems. Maybe he'll drag them all on an adventure this year. He mused. They probably wouldn't have liked it. Well Fred, George, and Lee might. 

"Harry's gonna come and sleep in our room and we're going to talk to McGonagall about it." Lee informed the three Chasers. 

"I had a feeling since you guys pranked Ron and Hermione." Angelina said shaking her head. 

"What? You would think they deserved it too if you knew what they did." Fred said glowering at his plate. 

"What did they do?" Alicia asked surprised. 

"It's up to Harry if he wants you to know." George said shrugging. Harry bit his lower lip. He wanted them to understand but he'd feel just completely embarrassed if he told them. Katie smiled. 

"It's okay Harry. If you don't want to tell us, then you don't have to." Alicia and Angelina nodded in agreement causing Harry to smile. 


"Anytime, Harry." The three said smiling. Harry was right in guessing when Hermione and Ron would be back. Harry was halfway through his second plate of food (this seemed to concern the twins a bit because he ate as if he hadn't ate in a long time). They didn't make eye contact with anyone and ignored the whispers and small bouts of laughter that were sent their way. They sat at the very end of the Gryffindor table where there were less people. Hermione looked hurt and Ron looked angry but Harry wasn't going to let that get to him. They deserved it, didn't they? Harry knew that it wasn't right the way the twins handled it. He probably should've just sucked it up and went and talked to the two. Maybe he still could but not this week. He wanted to give Ron time to cool off. He knew just how explosive Ron's anger was and the thought of it slightly scared Harry, though he wouldn't admit it; at least not to the three Chasers and Lee. He would probably admit it to the twins in his own time as he never was one who had to rely on others. He always had to take care of himself and make sure he survived at the Dursleys. Sadly it was survival at the fittest for him. If he chose to, he could've let the Dursleys just finish him off. There were a few times where Uncle Vernon seemed to take the beatings a little too far for his uncle's liking because that meant Harry would have to be taken to the hospital. Of course though, they never took him to the hospital. No matter how close to death he was. 

Harry was surprised he hadn't died a long time ago before he even started going to Hogwarts. Harry mentally shook himself. He needed to stop thinking about that. The twins will notice that he's been brooding about something and will want to know what that something is. He hoped he caught himself in time. He really didn't want to tell them about the Dursleys. He could only imagine what their reactions would be to that after their reactions to what Ron did. Harry was sure they would go as far as prank them with something permanent. He didn't want them to get sent to Azkaban for it. Yes, it was better that they don't know about it. What would Sirius do? Harry almost paled at the thought. Sirius would actually commit the murder he was accused of. No, Sirius couldn't know either! Suddenly Snape crossed Harry's mind for the first time in a long time. What would Snape have to say about that? Would he be indifferent to it? No, he's not that heartless. He'd probably tell Dumbledore. Harry thought bitterly. He didn't want Dumbledore to know anything; even about the beatings. Harry knew that if Dumbledore knew, then it was going to go down two ways. One: Dumbledore is still going to send Harry back to the Dursleys every summer. Two: He's going to keep an eye out for anyone who decides to try and keep Harry from going back and still force Harry to go back to the Dursleys. Harry didn't know when he'd gain so much distrust for the old headmaster but he had to agree with himself on the matter. There was no way around it. Dumbledore could absolutely not know about this. 

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