Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

A group of the guys sat around the garage office. “A girl staying at the club?” Opie had heard some strange things but this was definitely new.

Juice grinned. “That doesn’t sound too bad.”

“Whoa.” Jax interrupted. “Don’t anyone get any ideas. Clay isn’t happy about it but she’s still his kid. He’ll cut off all our dicks if someone touches her. There was nowhere else he could’ve stashed her on short notice. Try and be careful about what’s said around her.” he hated the whole idea and most of all the fact Clay made it his job watch over her. The annoyance level was one thing but there were also tons of enemies that wouldn’t mind sticking it to Clay by using his unsuspecting daughter.

“Alright back to work!” Chibs shouted, the room started to clear out.

Clay was home breaking the news to Gemma before anyone else did. Chloe was hanging around outside. She spotted him coming toward her. “So you’re Jax, the golden child?”

He scoffed. “Right.”

“He mentioned you the last time he visited. I was seventeen wishing my father could love me and all he talked about was you. The son he never had.” She stood with her hands in her pockets, her eyes focused on a rock at her feet.

“He’d visit?”

“I saw him maybe three times. He didn’t have a second family type of thing going.” She cleared up. “It’s always been Gemma and you. I got over it a long time ago but my mom held out hope until the day she died.” she kicked at the rock.

“Why are you here?”

Chloe looked up. “Because I am and some things are private. You look like I killed your dog, is my presence that big of a deal?”

“There’s a lot going on right now and Clay doesn’t need the distractions.”

“You mean the ATF? I heard some whispers around town. Believe it or not I don’t want to add to Clay’s problems, the guy’s old he might croak any day and I’ll be damned if it’s blamed on me. I needed a place to crash and he gave it to me, that’s it. I don’t need him holding my hand and teaching me how to walk.” Chloe walked away back to the club house. Earlier that morning she was given the spare room.

Sighing, Jax leaned against one of the cars. Chloe was lying and that created problems. Why would she come to a father she didn’t know but resented for help? Her mother was dead but surely there were other family members or friends. What exactly did she need help with and why choose Charming to relocate? Curious minds wanted to know and Jax was curious.


The room was too brown in her opinion with fake wood paneling everywhere she looked. A full size bed sat in the middle with a dresser on the opposite wall. She pulled a pair of sheets from her bag and dressed the bed. Everything she owned was stuffed into two large bags. There was no looking back when she left home. Now the SAMCRO club house was home, her mother was probably turning in her grave. She had loved Clay Morrow with all her heart but hated what he was involved with. She never wanted it for Chloe.

“This is stupid.” she laid back on the bed. She needed a plan and one that would put distance between her and the Sons. Facing the father that abandoned her was still better then facing what was waiting back home. She could never go back.


It was a week later and Jax was still trying to clean up his room. Every time he looked at it he walked away, it was clean enough to sleep in and that was all that mattered.

“Whoa what storm came through here?”

Jax turned to find Chloe at his door. “A search warrant. What do you want?” it came out harsh; he knew he was being tight with her but couldn’t stop himself. She put a face to all the lies Clay had told his mother, and her face happened to be beautiful. She was an all around problem.

“I don’t know, I’m bothering the wrong guy.” She turned around and left. It could be awkward and sometimes painful but the person she needed to talk to was Clay. Through the window she saw him in the garage office talking to Gemma. Chloe had seen enough pictures and news clippings to pick out the biker queen.

The torn and frustrated look reappeared across Clay’s face. “Honey this Chloe.”

“Hi.” Gemma tried to come off polite but it wasn’t everyday you meet your husband’s grown daughter. Gemma didn’t like surprises. “What brings you to Charming?”

Chloe felt as if a big spotlight was beating down on her. “There wasn’t much for me back home.” she turned to Clay. “I don’t want to be in your hair anymore then I have to be. I need to start earning and then I can start looking for my own place.”

Clay nodded. “I’ll have one of the guys ask around and find out who’s hiring.”

“No I can find a cookie cutter nine-to-five job on my own. I’m looking for something a little more fast paced.” Since she arrived in town earlier that morning she looked into her father’s eyes for the first time.

Clarity formed and Clay knew exactly what she was talking about. “We’ll talk about it later.”

It wasn’t a no and that was all Chloe hoped for. She left the married couple alone to continue talking about whatever she interrupted. She kept walking right out of the garage lot. It was time to see what Charming had to offer.

Daughter of a Son (Sons of Anarchy FF)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin