Chapter 10 - Deidara

Start from the beginning

"You don't have to be nervous, Deidara. I know the other members weren't very welcoming, and they're rather rough, but you'll get used to it."

"Why are you being so nice to me, un?" he asked softly. His eyes held curiosity but there was also a hint of hurt in them. I wondered why he appeared hurt - perhaps he didn't have a pleasant past with people.

"You're a member of the Akatsuki now, which kind of makes you family. I want you to feel welcome here and I want to help you get adjusted to this place," I answered cheerily.

"I don't want to get used to a place filled with idiots, hmm," he muttered with a frown. It made me laugh.

"They can be a bit brazen but most of them are decent company. I'll make sure Hidan doesn't bully you so don't stress yourself too much, okay?" I quickly finished up with treating his wounds and put away the first aid box. Then, I asked, "So, Deidara, what would you like to eat? We have instant ramen, dango and seaweed onigiri."

"I guess I'll have the onigiri, yeah," he answered after a moment of thought.

The onigiri were still warm and I served three of them onto a plate before handing it to Deidara. He eyed the food like he hadn't eaten in days and it was done in a flash, followed by a satisfied burp.

"Would you like some more?" I asked, figuring that he had been famished.

"Yeah, if that's alright," he mumbled, once again blushing slightly.

I served him two more and, this time, he ate leisurely. When he was done, I put the plate in the sink so it could be washed later.

"C'mon, I'll show you around the hideout now. You should familiarize yourself with it since you'll be staying here from now on," I said.

He finally regarded me with a smile as he stood and said, "Alright, un."

>>Time Skip

After a tour around the hideout, I dropped him off to meet with Leader sama so he could be given instructions of his role in the Akatsuki. In that time, he had told me a little about himself - that he had the ability to mold clay and use it as explosives. The people of his village had always treated him like a pest, and it was made worse by the fact that he was an orphan. He had a tough childhood but hadn't let others push him around. Despite his confident personality, I knew that he must have been a bit lonely, not having even a single friend while growing up.

He was a nice person and I had a feeling that we would be good friends. 

He was to be paired up with Sasori and I had a feeling that their pair would be one of the more lively pairs in the hideout, all the more considering their conflicting views on art. 

With nothing to do at the moment, I sat in the only room that had a small opening that allowed me to see the world outside the hideout. It was a beautiful afternoon and the forest outside was lush green. The gentle breeze that caressed my skin was soothing. I thought of Itachi, once again missing him and looking forward to when he would be back from his mission. The week he had been gone seemed much longer than that. It had made me restless, wishing for him to return soon.

With a deep sigh, I whispered, "I miss you, Itachi."

I closed my eyes a moment, recalling the feel of Itachi's hand caressing my cheeks lovingly, the warmth I felt when we embraced, and the fiery sparks I had felt from our real first kiss. It had me chewing on my bottom lip and goose bumps erupting on my arms. Oh, how much I loved him and wished for him to be here right now. How I wished to be in his arms at this moment.

"Hey, un," Deidara's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I looked to him and smiled, ushering him to join me next to the opening. "Thanks for showing me around, yeah."

"It's no problem. Did you see your room?"

"Yeah, I'll be sharing a room with Sasori Danna, even though I don't like him," he muttered. "Anyway, who are you paired up with?"

"Well, I'm sort of an unofficial member," I answered with a shrug. "I joined about five years ago but I'm yet to go on a mission, even though I'm one of the stronger members of the organization."

"Oh," he responded, sounding confused like I had expected. Well, it was odd that I had not been out on missions even though it had been five years since I joined.

"Anyway, I'm going to head to my room for now. I'll see you around, okay?"

I excused myself with a wave and headed to my room. There was still a while before I had to prepare dinner so I decided to spend time continuing reading my book until then.

Deidara pov:

My gaze remained in the direction in which Emiko had walked away. I clutched the fabric of my shirt over my chest, an odd sensation there because of how she had treated me when none other had. She made me feel like a real person, like I mattered too, like I wasn't the trash the people of Iwagakure had always made me feel. She didn't give off the vibe of a criminal, and neither looked like one, and it made me wonder why someone like her was in this organization.

She had said that she would help me adjust to the Akatsuki, and that she wouldn't let Hidan bully me again. As much as I appreciated her gesture, I didn't want to seem weak. I Didn't want to look like a weakling in front of her. I wasn't going to let the other members push me around again.

That damn Uchiha had embarrassed me first, so easily dealing with my art with his damned Sharingan, and I would definitely get him back for it! We'd surely run into each other, being members of the same organization, and he would pay for embarrassing and looking down on me, as would anyone else who tried to.

Scoffing, I strode through the corridors and to the room I would be sharing with the puppet who had insulted my art. He was sitting in a corner working on his battle puppets. I curtly ignored him and fell back on my bed, resting my head on my arms. I was in no mood to fight with him - in fact, I was in a rather good mood after speaking with Emiko. I shut my eyes and was soon asleep, vivid dreams clouding my mind that I was sure I wouldn't remember when I woke.


Ahem, do you have a like-at-first-sight crush on Emiko, Deidei? XD Welp, you're in for quite a heartbreak then. She's already taken.

Anyway, so developments are happening and soon there are going to be chaotic situations...some to look forward to and others, not so much. Let's see how things roll, shall we?




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