Seeking and Changing Love

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Previously on White Party Love:
Cookie and Lucious have just talked about LOVE not being enough in a long lasting relationship. While Cookie was trying to make a exit. Mr. And Mrs. Lyon just took there last lustful, loving, caring kiss. When Boo Boo Kitty chooses to walk in. And see the thing that she thought she'd never again the true marriage kissing.

Cookie Pov

Boo Boo kitty just had to walk in! Lucious and I were trying to have our last make out session and the toddler brings her flat ass in. Lucious makes sure that he lets me know that he still loves me and never will stop. I don't know if I should believe him cause if he did he would ditch her boogie ass and come back to were he belongs with the real queen. I really think there's a reason for it, he would never miss up on this Cookie unless there was a major reason. I'll give him time, not meaning I'm not going to have me some fun. Just meaning I will be with him, but having lots of questions. Right now I need to stop thinking about him and go have me some fun. I'm walking out of the room we were in and going to to the bar to get me something to drink.

No one's Pov

Cookie is standing at the bar observing everyone haven get a good time. When she realized Lucious and his toddler, Anika weren't out there dancing on the floor nor sitting in the V. I. P. Then Malcolm walks over. "Hello Mrs. Lyon" said Malcolm. "I told you call me Cookie and I'm not married to Lucious, so it would
be Ms. Lyon. said the queen. "My mistake Cookie, would you like to dance. Cookie is thinking he comes right out with it, not even questioning if Lucious and I are still dating. But she likes courage and bravery in a man, that's how she got Lucious. "Sure." said single and ready to mingle Cookie.

Lucious Pov
Anika and I are in another small room at Leviticus. So I can explain what she just saw in the other room. To be honest she saw love about to be made till she walked in. But I can't tel her that. She sits down because she knows what I'm about to tell her is going to be a lot of bull. That she makes herself listen to because she loves me so much. "Baby let me explain." I said. "You have the floor." she said pissed as hell. "So you all ready know that Cookie and I had a couple of intercourses these past few days, and you know that she means a lot to me.
Anika looks up like are you kidding me Lucious Lyon. "No I didn't, what do you mean by that?" She said "I mean she's the mother of my children and love is there for her always." Said the King. "Lucious you really got the nerve to be telling the women you soon to marry that!! You know what we'll talk at home, let's just try to go have some type of fun!" she said frustrated. "Are you sure." I said because I knew she was only giving up because she wanted to go on the dance floor and kiss and dance all on me, to make Cookie jealous. "Yea I'm sure!!!" she said with a sly of anxiousness. We walk out and the first thing that I see is My Cookie Lyon all up on my head security, Malcolm. I see this and really want to break in prices. Asking my self questions like. I thought she would wait? Why is she with the help? I need to talk to her! Anika and I are walking out onto the floor and a slow song comes on. So Anika grabs me and we get close to each other and begin to dance in front of me Cookie and Malcolm are dancing. All I feel is heart break, despair and guilt. I keep dancing with Anika till the song ends. "Anika, baby lets go sit down and have a few drinks." I said so I wouldn't have to watch Cookie and Malcolm dance giggle and talk anymore. "Okay, but we have to dance later!" said Anika. "I got you." I said. We walk to the V. I. P. where only the Lyon family and friends were able to be seated. We sit down and I see Cookie and Malcolm start kissing, and not like a little kiss a long one with tongue and all. Cookie stops the kiss and looks like she's telling him she wants to go sit for a while. They smooch, and she grabs his hand and leads him over where Anika and I are. "Looks like Cookie moved on, baby." said Anika. At that moment all I wanted to do was smack the daylights out of her. Cookie and Malcolm finally get to where we are Cookie sits down then Malcolm sits down and Cookie slides closer to him, in the process of her
booty being on him.

Cookie's Pov
As soon as I see Lucious take Anika off the floor, I knew that he would be watching Malcolm and I the whole time. So I make a scene. I look up at Malcolm and start kissing him, knowing that Lucious is watching I give him some tongue and he actually kisses greatly. When we finish I back up from him. Stare in his eyes, "you wanna go sit down for a few." I said. "Sure." He said. I grab his hand and walk over to the V.I.P. section where Anika and Lucious are and a couple others couples. We sit down. I scoot closer to him the way I use to do the King. "So what are you two up to tonight?" Anika asks. "For us to know and you to find out." I said. Lucious and I staring eyes through each other. He looks as if he's upset, but knowing he can't do anything about it cause he knows not to make a scene and he has to keep up a front in front of Anika.

Lucious Pov
Cookie and I are staring eyes through each other. She can see that there is a major rage. "Anika so when's the wedding." said Cookie. Anika kinda smirked at her, like really. "We just started planning, we really haven't chose a date yet with our busy schedules." my fiancé said. Cookie nodded. "Lucious I know you can't wait to be tided together forever." Cookie said smirking at me. "So Cookie what's up with you and Malcolm." Anika said. "For us to know and you to find out, but you can know that we are dating." said my true love. I look up at her really quick and not in a happy way. "Well I see you finally have moved on!" Anika said. "What do you mean, Kitty?! I been stop loving your fiancé!" Cookie said, knowing that she was lying. I felt weird, but not sad because she was just saying that. "Well that's great because he loves me," Anika said. looking up at me. I could see in her face she wasn't that sure of what she was saying. "Well, Malcolm and I are going to be leaving now," Cooks said while her and Malcolm got up. They stood in front of the table holding hands. "Bye Mr. and Mrs. Lyon."said the true Mrs. Lyon. "Bye Cookie", Anika said. blushing because of what Cookie said. "Bye, Cooks." I said smirking and with anger in my eyes. Malcolm and Cookie walked off. Few minutes skip. I was watching Cookie and Malcolm get in the car and I see Malcolm begin to kiss all over her!! And I'm not happy. I pull out my phone and text Cookie.
Me:What in the world are you doing with the help, you said you would wait!!!!!
Cookie sees the text.............


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2016 ⏰

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