Finishing up my story my boys were just intently listen like they always do when one of us is telling a story. Then I remembered that I forgot to tell them about the conference with the principal this morning. So, I go into that situation with him to them. After I'm done telling them the story, they all start getting wild up and say things like how I'm a lucky bastard and how I'm going to get so laid, like always. But, I highly think I'm going to get laid by this chick because most smart chicks don't go for me or I don't go for them. You see, most, to almost all of them, are AP classes. So if we have a lot of classes together then she is bound to be smart.

"Guys I don't think so. I mean he showed me her classes and they're by mine so he wants me to show her where to go, I guess. But her classes are like mostly AP classes, so I highly doubt she would sleep with me. I bet she is so into school that she won't even look at a guy and I bet she's ugly also. Like, why would I fuck someone ugly. No way man."

Okay, shoot me now but I just said that so they wouldn't be on my case. And also sorry girls. But, you know it's true what I said.

"What, bro, yeah right. I bet she's smoking. But also a major tease or cockblock. Either way, H-O-T. I'd bang her." Xander, my best friend in the world and pretty much the only one I trust beside Wyatt and Luke. But more so Xander then anyone else. We've known each other since we were in diapers. So we have more of a connection then the other two, but they are also brothers, Wyatt being the oldest and Luke being a year younger then him and us.

Luke is in a Junior in High School and the rest of us are Seniors. Though I'm in a few Freshmen college classes but like one or two and Luke is in some Senior classes like History and English.

"Dude, you know that some of us don't want to hear this right? It's honestly disgusting how you can easily say stuff like that," Sir Innocent a.k.a. Luke. He's always like this, never putting in conversations like this. What he just said is what he says at least once a day at lunch or throughout the day.

"Oh, boo hoo Mr. Innocent who can't even hear something that sound 'sexist' about a girl. You know we're starting to think you're gay because when we say stuff like that, but softcore, dick jokes and you don't say anything and sometimes laugh. So, what up? You gay?(A/N at end) Because you know we'll beat the gay out of you. So, you better not be." After his brother said that he blushed and told us to be quiet. I don't know why he threatens him like that. I don't have a problem with people who are gay or a lesbian. It's horrible to insult like that. But I know that if I said something they would say I was gay. But obviously I'm not.


I am on my motorcycle with a girl, a Freshman, a naive Freshman, who's name I forgot. Well, she's hot to say the least. I flicked on the handlebars and rode on the back wheel and for a few seconds to get her ready for the excitement she will feel in just a few moments. If you know what I mean. I smirk when she slightly squeaks and grips harder on my torso. In just a few moment we'll be pulling up to my 'private' studio. It's like my own apartment. There is a bed, for obvious reasons, a couch, TV, and a small kitchen with food in it.

About twenty minutes later we arrived at my 'place' and we took the elevator up to the 16th floor. When we walked in I closed the door turn to her and put my hand on her waist trying, and succeeding, to give a message.


"So, two things. One, this is a one nighter don't talk to me again. Two, don't come here for another time because it won't happen. Bye."

"Bye, and I wasn't going to talk to you again and I won't come here. It's to small. Like you." She winked at me.

I got on my bike and drove off to my actual house that my parents lived in also. I said a greeting to my parents and went to my room and went to take a shower.

After about twenty minutes I got out of the shower. I was dried off I put on some new boxers and a pair of basketball shorts and went to stand by window to open it and dry my hair. I opened my window and saw the light next door turn on, I didn't think anything of it and turned around to started to towel dry my hair. After I felt it was dry enough I turned around again to see a girl, a hot one at that, in the room next to me staring at me.

So, me being me, said "Hey baby , you like what see. Wait you don't have to answer I already know I am. Why don't you come over here and I can show you the most amazing time of your life?" I said with a smirk on face.

Though, what she said next wiped that smirk off my face.

"Well, well Mr fuckboy I would go over there if I wanted a std, but seeing as I don't I won't. So, bye bye." Then she slammed her window shut.

Wow bitchy much.



With the gay thing. Don't hate me, I have nothing against gays. I am so supportive LGBT community and I myself is Bisexual. In this case they were teasing him about being 'gay' and they were trying to make him quiet or to blush. But Xavier likes or doesn't mind people who are gay. So, please no hate.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2018 ⏰

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