Book 2 The Fire Saga - ColdFire *

Start from the beginning

- The SpecieS on planet Phoenix have to live underneath the ground, becauSe the Surface iS extremely too hot. The T limitS the population number of the dominant Specie on the planet. One of the dictatorS of Phoenix found out Tíena can reduce the temperature of the heat. So "Lord Blaze" leader of the PyronieS order all hiS captionS to get aS much of Tíena aS they can find from other planetS, PyronieS aren't good they Steal, fight and domination.

- They've Stolen Tíena metal from almoSt everyone in the galaxy. The reaSon why they want the metal iS cauSe the king of Tíen Sell them any. He knowS they've been going around killing off other SpecieS to get their Tíena SupplieS. That iS when the galaxy war Started which haS laSted for the laSt Seven thouSand yearS now. Lord Pyro alSo uSe the metal for another reaSon which he keep'S Secret from hiS race. -

(The ReaSon Why CauSe HiS One And Only Daughter IS HiS "Deep Dark Secret", She'S The Only Half Pyronie And Half Iceían Kíttí The FirSt "Hybreed" Ever).

- Pyro alSo haS Six other children they're all boyS, their all older and pure PyronieS. HiS oldeSt three SonS are Master CaptionS in their SquadS, hiS youngeSt three SonS are alSo high ranking officerS in hiS army. They've all brought him Several thouSandS victorieS on the battlefield they all have unique talentS. -

(Pyro Children can copy each other fighting StyleS except hiS daughter the kidS nameS Are -

Bíno - The firSt born of the quintileS, he'S a very dominating fighter he rarely never loSe a one on one fight.

Gíno - IS the Second born he alwayS tell you Something funny right before he beatS you.

Kíno - IS the fourth born him and Kíttí are very cloSe he loveS hiS little SiSter like She waS hiS daughter.

Fíno - IS the third born, he'S iS known aS the irritating one, he getS on everyone nervouS.

Hero - Fifth born very quiet and he too iS very protective of hiS only SiSter.

Kíttí - iS the youngeSt of Pyro'S children She'S and the only one that'S not pure Pyronie. She'S mixed with Iceían the only one ever). -

(Přýá AheS - Are what burnS off Tíena metal, It Can be USed In Many ApplicationS).

- On planet Phoenix it'S getting too hot, So hot they can barely live on the Surface their planet anymore. The inSide uSe to Stay at 120° but now it'S nearly 24 and getting hotter. There are maSSive caveS with long tunnelS connecting tunnelS that keep the inSide cool. The tunnelS wrap around the whole world they connect the caveS. Lord Pyro oldeSt three SonS are generalS in hiS massive dominating army that are Six million Strong. The other three SonS are high ranking officerS, two are CaptionS and one iS a Lieutenant. Pyro'S only daughter name iS "Kíttí"-, She'S completely different from her race, brotherS and father. -

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