chapter 1:kade

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I was walking down the street at night when my phone vibrated."what!"I asked crew."Ace you gotta come quick your dad was shot!"he yelled."okay I'm on my way."I yelled.I rounded the corner and I saw some group of guys beating someone up."Where is my money?"asked the man with slicked black hair."I-i don't have it."said the middle aged man. Then the black haired man shot the man. That's when I stepped out and they turned towards me."well, well, well what do we have here."I smirked."who are you?"said the leader."I'm Ace you might have heard of black rose the streetfighter?"I said. Then I took off my jacket so they could see my full body tattoos."Yes I heard of you, by the way I'm kade."said the leader."Well kade I would like to stay but I got to get back to my gang."I said then I gave him my number."call me sometime."I said then I hopped in my lambo and drove away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2016 ⏰

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