Chapter 9

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Hello everyone!!! it has been such a long time since I updated this book. Life got real y'all and reading back I realized I was such a fetus for throwing in all them sex scenes on every page hahaha anyway i'm going to continue this story and hopefully it will get better.

Renee POV

There was nothing more annoying than hearing the sound of Riley's annoying laughter at 10 a.m. Don't get me wrong I was no hater but the girl was a straight up bitch.

"Oh you guys would have loved the hike" she continued shifting her hair to the right side of her shoulder for the twentieth time "Jon tell them" she giggled stroking Jonathan's arm who was relaxed in is seat .The urge to tell her that we missed her little hike because I was getting fucked on Dylan's balcony last night and we over slept was teasing my tongue but why ruin her day like that?

"You guys had to be there" Jonathan smiled brightly "beautiful"

"Disappointed i missed it Camilla hates outdoors" Benjamin replied . Camilla was his girlfriend; Actress.

"You know I hate bugs" she rolled her eyes before smiling softly. Camilla was not as annoying as Riley but I could tell she didn't really like me either nor did she seem to like Riley...she barely tolerated Jonathan and didn't really speak to Dylan much from what i noticed but he barely spoke to anyone . she was very weird. Very beautiful though kinda looked like that one actress what was her name? ah right Gal Gadot

"So Dylan how was that meeting you had over in Japan "Riley  shifted her attention to Dylan who was busy typing away on is phone before shifting his gaze towards her. 

"Good, we made some progress " He responded before bringing a slice of mango to his mouth. Rolling my eyes I turned. Those were more words than I had gotten after last night. Of course like every male after being vulnerable Dylan pulled back like the connection we shared last night was non existent  when we had sex. We had been invited to breakfast  by his mother who sent everyone an email informing us all she would be late. I couldn't wait for this weekend to be fucking over

"So are you still attending that gala?" She asked eagerly " You know they are honoring you" she crisply laughed, eyes shinning bright

"Congratulations brother" Benjamin congratulated him... brother... what was this Vampire diaries? 

This family was so formal.

Dylan offered that shy sexy smile he did when he was trying to be humble but knew who the fuck he was "Thank you"

"So we are still going together? I hope that's okay Renee" She apologised  "Dylan actually asked me months ago" she continued. 

"Oh?" I relied dryly "Baby?" I turned to Dylan who was watching the scene in front  of him. He looked at me intensely as if observing me. so he already asked the girl. Benjamin and Jonathan casually enjoying the scene too 

"Actually Riley I asked my assistant to send you an email earlier, I will be taking Renee with me"He answered a clearly irritated Riley 

"Oh she must have forgotten to mention it" she laughed "I need to stop hiring incompetent people "There actually so many invitations I've gotten" she continued on 

"Oh don't worry I'm not going so Dylan can take you" I responded brightly popping a grape into my mouth 

"What?" Dylan snapped but quickly recovered at the same time an excited Riley smiled

"Baby I know you don't like disappointing people" I smiled tightly "Go ahead" i encouraged blinking away from his intense stare before he saw  hurt in my eyes 

"Oh come on it will be fun" Jonathan adds in encouraging me "Come on Renee" he makes his eye big and begs me smiling at me with that dazzling smile " I don't have a date"he places his big hand on the left side of is chest

"Jon-" I start to respond to the sweetness before I'm interrupted 

"She's busy" Dylan interrupts sharply, jaw clenched glaring at his brother who smirked naughtily 

"Actually I would love to" I reply ignoring my name falling out of Dylan's mouth. He would be with riley all night and felt the need to not tell me so he could keep that same energy. 

"Perfect" Riley smiled tightly 

"Can we talk" Dylan leaned in, placing a big hand on my thigh . His cologne invaded my nostrils, minty breath fanning my neck. 

"No" I replied huskily glad when i saw trays of food coming from the kitchen. one of the servers placed a glass of ice cold water on the table interrupting the connection between us. Dylan's hand left my thigh and he leaned back jaw clenched tight. 

The sound of cutlery filled the room as we enjoyed breakfast wit Dylan's mother still nowhere in sight 

"Ugh how do you all eat those carbs" Camilla commented looking at Benjamin and Jonathan's food

"Same thing i'm thinking" Riley scrunched her nose. As a carb eater I continued with my pancakes, lathering more butter and syrup "I mean how do you do it Renee" she smiled

"Do what?" I asked stuffing more food in my mouth purposely. Riley and I are two complete opposites; She's tall and slender and i'm short, have an ass and tits  but that would not stop me from decking this girl.

"Like eat all those carbs I mean no offence at all" she smiled looking apologetic "Aren't you worried it will go straight to your thighs?

"Riley" Dylan glared at her. I noticed everyone stopped eating and was paying attention to our conversation. Camila rolled her eyes at the comment as Benjamin and Jonathan looked away like it would save me from  the embarrassment she was trying to inflict on me . she honestly thought a dig at my weight would offend me?

"Well" I started "I mean   Dylan doesn't suffocate when I sit on his face " I replied. Benjamin was mid sip when the juice flew out his mouth and on to Jonathan, Camilla gasped at a socked Riley.  Dylan choked on his bacon and coughed trying to recover quickly  

"I beg your pardon?" A socked gasp came from the door was and I recognised that voice anywhere. Dylan's mother. Fuck. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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