Chapter 7- A Clue?

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Tonight was the night Thomas was spending in the slammer. I couldn't help but keep wondering if he was gonna be okay. Do they even feed you when you're being punished? I saw Thomas walking toward me so I stood up.

"Are you gonna be okay?" I ask when he walked up.

"Yeah. Don't worry about me." He smiled so I smiled back. I looked over to see Gally walking our way and my smile faded.

"Relax, he's just taking me to the slammer." Gally stopped a few feet away.

"C'mon Thomas." He said, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"I'll come see you later." I say, looking back at Thomas.

"Looking forward to it." He smiles, I hug him and he walks off with Gally.

I went to go eat. I was starving. When I got there, I sat in between Newt and Chuck. A couple days after I arrived, the other boys started getting the picture that I only sat by the one group of boys that pretty much included, Newt, Alby, Minho, Chuck, Zart, Frypan, Thomas and Winston. Before that, all the other boys tried to get me to sit by them, but I only felt comfortable with the group of boys that I just named, the group that took me in, the group that I'm a part of.

We ate for a while and Frypan came from the kitchens with a plate of food.

"It's for Thomas. I thought you might want to take it to him." He said, handing me the plate. I hug him and take it.

"Hey Chuck, you wanna go with me?"

"To see Thomas?" I nod, "Hell yeah!"

We walk together out of the kitchens and toward the Homestead, which the slammer was right next to.

"Thomas?" We whisper in unison as we approached his cell.

"(Y/N)? Chuck?"

"Yeah. We've come to save the day because we have food!" Chuck says excitedly. I can't help but laugh and Thomas laughs too. I hand him the plate and Thomas thanks me with a nod.

"So, when do you get out?" I ask, watching him eat. Is that weird?

"Right in the morning. I'm a runner now remember? I have to go running tomorrow."

"Oh yeah." I say with a smile. I'm just really excited that my best friend is gonna be a runner with me.

"Well, I think I'm gonna go to sleep now, so tomorrow can come sooner."

"Alright, well. Oh my goodness, I totally forgot. I'm not supposed to go in the maze tomorrow because Minho has to train you."

"What?! Why can't you train me?" He looked utterly disappointed.

"Because I'm not the head runner." I made pouty faces and he made them back.

"Maybe I can convince Minho to let you come."

"Okay. Night Thomas. See you in the morning."

"Night (Y/N). Night Chuck." He said, turning around and heading into the back of the cell where it was darker so he could sleep better. Chuck and I just walked away to go to bed. I mean I could have a big day tomorrow, but I wouldn't know until morning.

I got woken up by someone shaking me.

"Yeah?" I said, trying to rub the sleepiness from my eyes.

"We're trying to gather a small group to go running today, just to see if we can get closer to finding the way out, and we were wondering if you wanted to come with us. You're our first pick." Minho said. He was the one shaking me to wake me up. Thomas was standing a few inches behind him and also, I noticed, off to the side.

"Yeah, I would love too! When are we leaving? Who's all going?"

"We'll leave as soon as we can get Zart, Winston and Frypan to go with us." Thomas says, stepping a little closer to my hammock. I giggle a little bit.

After Zart, Winston and Frypan agree to go with us, we begin heading to the entrance to the maze. The three boys that don't usually run look really nervous. How could I blame them, with everything happening around here. Thomas just looks excited. Minho and I are in the front of the group, considering we run the maze pretty much everyday and we know our way around. Thomas is right behind me, giving me space to run of course. He's such a great friend. The rest of the boys are in a group behind Thomas.

We run around corners and through gateways until we get to a part of a wall that has a smushed griever in it.

"Well, who wants a griever pancake for breakfast?" Frypan says sarcastically, and slightly disgusted.

"Wait, what's that?" I asked, pointing to this silver thing that was inside the griever. Minho stepped forward and grabbed the gooey thing off the ground.

"Give it here." I said, holding my hand out, gesturing for Minho to put the gooey griever body part in my hand. After I asked for the thing, Thomas stepped away from me a couple inches which only caused me to giggle. Minho finally put the thing in my hand and I immediately peeled the stuff off of it. I noticed that Thomas stepped closer to me so he could see over my shoulder. I threw the stuff on the ground and cleaned the device off as much as I could.

"Look it has a 7 on it. What does that mean?" I asked, holding it out so everyone else could see.

"I don't know. Maybe this griever belonged to section 7 or something."

"Yeah. Or maybe it could be a clue and this could help us get out of this hell hole."

"Minho! This could help us." I yelled, startling the others.

"What the clue thing?" I could tell he was kind of confused.

"Yeah. On our next run, we'll start in section 7. This device thing is either a piece of klunk, or it really is a clue that could help us get out."

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