Right angles.

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I turned and ran.
I never did stop running.
My arms shot up and down at my sides, slicing through the air as I tore through the arena.

I could hear my breathing, my heart rate catching up with my pace..
Adrenaline ran through my veins instead of blood and I grit my teeth as I continued to sprint as fast as I could.

I didn't know where anyone was, if anyone was chasing me or if I was in fact chasing someone by complete chance.

I didn't know anything.

My heart was a drum, beating in time with my rapid speed.
My footsteps seemed to echo.

Breathe. Breathe.

Breathing Turned to panting, running turned to stumbling..
My blindfold of darkness became more transparent.
I began to feel dizzy and I staggered to a stop, feeling around for a wall or some surface to lean on.

Whatever I was running on was hard and solid; not grass but concrete.
As I came to a halt, my drastic attempt to get away caught up with reality. I began to feel nauseous.

The world began to spin. Already I was exhausted and I'd only ran a few metres.
I could barely breathe as my heart tried desperately to pump blood around my already lifeless body.

I wretched and coughed... Beginning to splutter.
Soon everything I had eaten before I'd been sent into this damn arena made a reappearance and I vomited on the floor until my stomach felt as void as my mind.

I threw my head up towards the sky, stumbling backwards and wiping my mouth with the sleeve of my skin tight suit.
Suddenly my back hit a wall and I instinctively jumped, flinging around to attack it in my defence..

I stood there bent over for a while.. Recovering from my shock, unsure Of what to do.

I held my head in my hands and thought about just sitting there.
That was until a distant sound brought me to life.


Someone was running towards me.


I turned around trying to distinguish where they were coming from.
I had absolutely no defence but my bare hands.

Suddenly I realised they were coming from behind me.

Running footsteps.

They did not relent, did not pause. Did not slow down.

I could almost feel their fear running through me, up my spine..
Their presence stabbed at my nerves and I could almost visualise them in my mind..
Their crazed expression, desperate and blood thirsty.

I didn't want to run for fear of alerting them as to where I was.
Oh fuck it, if I stay here I will die anyway.

Suddenly my machine of a body turned on again, my legs automatically propelling me forward.

I stumbled at first, hearing my footsteps echo into the open atmosphere and then the other footsteps stop immediately.

They'd heard me.

My heart rate increased...

Ba dum ba dum ba dum..

If they didn't hear me running, they must have heard my heart beat.
A ringing started up in my ears and a throbbing in my head.

Never the less I endured, running forever forward into the oblivion.


All of a sudden I smack into something solid.
I drop to my knees, clutching my head in my hands, silently groaning at the immense pain.

My whole body is over heating, trying to attend to all my injuries at once.

As I kneel there clutching my head.. A warm thick liquid trickles down my hand.. Along my arm.
The hairs on my neck raise and I slowly realise the fatality of my situation.
I looked up, trying to make out what I'd ran into.

Ignoring the blood on my hands, I felt before me.. Gingerly patting the gigantic mass towering over me.

Another damn wall.

I had to keep running, whoever was behind me must be gaining metres.

Again, I stumbled to my feet and realised I must be at a right angle turn..

It was beginning to feel like..

No that was ridiculous.

I Ignored my theories and turned 90 degrees, throwing one foot in front of another again, letting the air rushing past me dry the blood on my hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2016 ⏰

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