Chapter 5.

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"SAY SOMETHING IM GIVING UP ON YOUUUU," I could hear Sydney singing/screaming from the shower. I had already woken up and went downstairs and made some tea. I was dressed in my comfy fuzzy pajamas that drag on the floor. I remember how my mom would always throw a fit when my pants touched the floor. She'd always bend down next to me and roll them up for me, even if they'd be back down in a matter of minutes.

I heard whistling from the pot of tea and hopped down from the counter to retrieve it. I poured myself a glass and put a tea bag in it and let it sit for a little. I grabbed my phone off the counter and saw it was already one! I jumped off the counter and ran back upstairs to start getting ready for the day. I grabbed a random shirt off of my hanger and a pair of dark washed jeans out of my drawer. I slipped my clothes on and put on light makeup. I put my hair up in a top knot and slipped on my black toms. I looked down at my shirt to see I had a white Jack Wills shirt on with black writing. Okay. I looked somewhat decent. I grabbed my glasses, slipped them on my face, grabbed my purse and phone, and ran out the door leaving my now cold tea on the counter.

I jumped into the car and started driving to work. I checked the clock to see I had a half hour to get there. I went through the McDonalds drive through to get large fries and a sweet tea. I looked at the clock to see I only had fifteen minutes to get to work now. I sped out of the parking lot while putting a couple fries in my mouth. I turned on my radio to hear The Killers playing through my speakers. I smiled and started singing along with them. They're one of my favorite bands and I would love to see them in concert one day.

I pulled into the parking lot behind the store and ran to the door with my fries and tea. I quickly opened the door to hear music being played throughout the store. I clocked in and walked to the front desk and looked around. It feels warmer in here than usual. Almost... hot. I stood up ontop of the desk and put my hand up near the air vent and didn't feel any air blowing through. Shit. I went to the back of the store and found a guy underneath the air conditioner with his shirt off.

"Is it broken?" the guy hit his head on the bottom of the AC... I laughed.

"Fuck." he groaned and began to slide out. He leaned up and I saw it was Harry. He ran a hand through his hair and wiped his face. He ended up smearing grease onto his forehead. I giggled to myself at the big black splotch on his face.

"What?" he asked while looking at me strangely.

"You got a little..." I said while pointing at his face. No matter how hard he tried, he would miss the spot every time. I couldn't help but laugh.

"No, here." I picked up his shirt from the floor and wiped his forhead. I finally got it off and then I noticed he was looking at me. We were really close and I could see the sweat rolling on the side of his face.

"Uhm." I said and found myself getting flustered. Why am I getting flustered. He's a stupid boy. I shouldn't be nervous like this. I walked away and then I felt a light grab onto my elbow. He pulled me back and into him. We're a lot closer now. Our stomachs are touching and we are looking right into each others eyes.

"You wanted to kiss me." Was he right? No. Of course not.

"No, I didn't." I said and furrowed my eye brows.

"Don't do that," he said while taking his thumb and brushing between my eye brows to get rid of the creases, "I can't see your eyes when you do that." he said in barely a whisper. I walked away again but this time he didn't stop me. While walking to the back of the room I heard the music get louder.

"So are you going tonight?" I heard Harry ask. I turned around to see him walking towards me with his shirt off. I shouldn't be attracted to this, but I am. The way his tattoo covered chest glistens from the sweat that's caused by the heat in this room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2014 ⏰

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