How to say FUNNY WORDS

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In this chapter, you will learn how to say SUPER FUNNY words. Each paragraph is about a different FUNNY WORD.

This one is about the word TINKERGOPP. Beautiful word it is. It means: many different unicorns-and I mean MANY-in one room. Do HUMANS have a word for THAT!!!! I don't believe they do!

This word is called DIGINHOPPER. Let me tell you the whole back story. Once there was a dog called Digg. Then there was a parrot call Hopper. Then the IN in the middle of DIGINHOPPER sounds like 'and'. They where worst enemies. The word DIGINHOPPER means WORST ENEMIES EVER!!!!!!!!

Another funny word that unicorns have is MININIHEP. It means (in human) fun. Bet you didn't know that unicorns spoke in a different languages, did ya? No you didn't. That's the answer.

Just ask fantasia.

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