Bikini Cuddles

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It was a beautiful, sunny day, birds chirped, fish splashed, and the lively chatter of everyone that was left in Night Raid was busying themselves with enjoying the large crystal clear lake with a waterfall flowing down into it. Your wore a white bikini, Leone her black one, the others dressed in their own bathing suits that were comfortable with wearing. You were in the water barely half-shin deep, hands out waiting; watching with keen deep garnet eyes, a twitch of movement is in the water- your hands reach out with lightning speed and the moment your hands grip the end of q large, navy-black backed fish; a tremendous force suddenly barraged it out of the water and into the air.

With you going with its momentum as you hear a voice shout with triumphant, jovial vigor-


You only manage to see the manicured foot of Leone's and the poor fish that you were catching for a snack shedding a tear at receiving such a blow- before water engulfs you both and shoots up your nose. Blinded for the mere span of three seconds or even less, Leone calls out your name with a giggle, littering each syllable with the girlish noises. "Akame-chan!!" Hoisting you up with complete ease that would have frightened a grown man, but to you was an immense relief- felt said emotion of calm when placing into effect the fact that she was the one that pulled you out of the water. Steam billows off both of you as she quirks a mischievous gleam in here eyes that you know all too well. Breaking from her grasp, you hoist up the most likely dead fish in your hands that surprisingly hadnt been let go of during her sudden charge.

Taking a stance with it as though it were your sword; you prepare for the worst. You're immensely ticklish, and Leone knows this quite well... she just doesn't leave that beaten dead horse alone. Wiggling her fingers at you in a teasing manner she laughs and says in a tone that sends light warning hells chiming off in your head at evident 'danger' was coming. "Akame-chan~" she says dark and sultry in a way that for some odd reason makes you falter for the most minuscule of moments...that was all the tine she needed. And with it being used quite well, was on you in an instant.

The most girliest of sounds erupted from your lungs as she mercilessly ticked your bare sides and stomach. You could hardly breathe as you felt the water wildly sloshing around you two from her ministrations; causing your disarray of convulsions of pure rich, raw, laughter. "L-Leone..." you choke out her name like you always would when she did this...but there must have been something in the way you send her name because she suddenly ceased her assault on your body. Her eyes gaze down at you in a way that makes your stomach drop in an oddly warm manner. As you catch your breath, she stares; golden hues smoldering and almost unblinking.

You swallow when your eyes happen to dart at her Luis when she speaks, a tended, ever always warn and comforting hand reaches out and softly cups your cheek; thumb striking underneath your eye as she asks while meaning down close enough that you can just faintly feel her breath brush against your skin. "Are you alright, did I over do it?" "..." Your absolutely silent, and Leone watches as your face suddenly colors brightly. "L-Leone...! You say in a squeak if a voice. "Yeah?" She asks in a worried and curious tone. Embarrassed, slowly you murmur, "Your sitting...a-well..." you swallow down the sudden lump that had formed in your throat; not able to quite finish your sentence. She blinks, a little bewildered at what your implying before she just happens to look down than quickly right back up. And is off if you in the beat of a heart. Dazed with confusion, you manage to lift yourself up onto your forearms, your eyes just happen to follow her form from her feet up to see her face that was now...a beautifully flushed scarlet, as she laughed nervously, it cane out more so like a cough when she spoke.

"Whoops, *giggles nervously*"

Clearing her throat, she looks down at you and offers a hand. "Here, lemme help you up." Without hesitation you take her hand. She lightly squeezed yours before pulling you up with such vigor that your tossed into an unexpected embrace. She chuckles softly into you ear and whispers, "You're too cute~" "E-eh?!" Your face seems to get even redder as your face is tested in the crook of her neck and shoulder as the both of you stood flush against each other. The water billowed off into steam by how Leone's constant body warmth was always present; which was even more so prominent ad she hugged you just a little bit more tightly- giving a brief squeeze at the end before letting go. You felt...oddly disappointed at the loss of contact from her but mentally shrugged it aside when she said with a challenging tone evident in her voice.

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