the morning after chapter 3

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At around six in the morning the sun rays pierced through the window and I woke me up. Thierry did not draw the curtains and I don’t like this. Who on earth leaves their window curtains open? I lifted the duvet and dunked my head inside. There was less air; it made me to keep bringing my head up just to gulp the fresh air. ‘You are such a fidget’. In a low sleepy tone voice, I checked his eyes and they were still shut. Are you talking in your sleep I whispered? No reply. I then assumed he had fallen asleep a gain. Trying to fall asleep with a naked body next to me is very difficult. If I was to lift my head up the sun rays would hit me. Inside the duvet I have his body in my face.  I wanted to grab him, bite his chest and hold him close to me. I move closer and blew cold air on his chest. He made a sound that triggered me off too. I moved down to his groin, I will take good care you while my hand grabbed his butt moving it closer to me. I started to give him head. For a man this can be the best alarm to wake them up. He stretched his hands until he could get between my legs. ‘You are wet’. I could feel him run his finger through and through. The more he did it, the more I want to give him head more. I could hear him coming to the end and lifted my mouth. I didn’t want to swallow it just taste wrong. A friend of mine once told me it was healthy to swallow because of the zinc. If want one I will buy supplement tablets from the chemist and not have some slimy thing in my mouth. ‘That was amazing; you know how to treat a man, don’t you?’ my pleasure.

I moved closer to him this time he was awake. This gorgeous man here stared at me with a smile on his face. A lot of men would say the best time to know if a woman is beautiful is when she is out of the shower. For a lot of women who go for one night stands can truly know this in the morning when he is lying next to her. In broad day light and if he is not up to your taste then try not to repeat the same mistake.

Thierry’s alarm went, we had to get up and start getting ready to go. Sometimes we forget our lies. I haven’t told him yet but I know it will come up very soon.  Am jobless, sometimes am  secretary other days am  PA. A lot of people always buy that. I don’t know why they never question it. Make sure you know how to change the subject when talking about your work. I sat up; do you have any spare toothbrush? ‘There is a spare one in the bathroom. Come with me’. He threw me a towel.

I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth then left and went to the shower which was separate on its own. He was in there. We got in; I didn’t want to get my hair wet. He got out of the shower and came back with a hair band.  My hair lifted up; he kissed me on my neck. ‘Do you like this? Yes I do. My eyes were shut. All I could hear was the sound of the shower running and his hands running through my body. His head was on my breast, I could feel the tingling feeling in between my legs. My whole head was wet. I kept on moving one step back until I found the shower’s cubicle glass wall. He flipped me to look at him ‘do still want me? Do we still have a date for next week?’  Take me I want you right now, I can’t take it anymore. He flipped me back to where I was my back towards him and I bent down my hands on the wall pane. A few minutes later I climaxed. That excited him even more which made him come quickly. I faced him powerless and struggling to stand up. Wipe the smug of your face I told him. ‘I know I did not give you enough yesterday night. I hope it was good enough now’. What made you think I did not like it? ‘when we finished I could see the look of disappointment on your face. You wanted more and I was out of energy. I waited for you to compliment or say something and you just went quiet’. I didn’t know that, I thought you were amazing last night. This morning has started my day with a bang. I should be very resourceful with all the energy.

He got the shower gel from it shower holder and squeezed it on to his hand before rubbing a lot on his head. His whole body was covered in foam. I just stood there for a few seconds gazing at him. This could be a Davidoff commercial and I wouldn’t know it. I took the shower head and started to use it on myself. The water with at the flip of a second went cold and I screamed my lungs out. How could you do that, we started to laugh. It was fun and funny. ‘I wanted to see what your reaction would be. You definitely scream like a girl’. Of cause I would, what do you expect from a screaming girl?

We both got off the shower and went to the bedroom. I got some of his body cream and used it. I wore my make up and put back on the same cloths from the previous night. I hope it has not got a bad odour; I sprayed myself with lots of perfume.

Thierry on the other hand, was packing a small suit case. He put three suits with lots of shirts. ‘Do you like this?’ I stopped and composed myself.  is he really asking for my opinion on what to wear. Most people would have put a few of the things they wanted without any sort of question. I told him to carry a few whites and told him to take the plain light blue and black shirt just in case he wanted to a change from the white. I looked at the other cloths he had on his bed. Are you going to work all weekend? ‘No, am going to have the meeting on Monday. I leave today from work and then spend the weekend with some friend then comeback Tuesday and I will see you Wednesday. I need a pair of jeans.’ He took one from the pile, why don’t you have this shirt to go with? ‘Am going shopping tomorrow, I should be able to find something to go with it’.

We went to have a quick breakfast, a glass of soya hot milk for me and he had a cup of coffee.  We both left the house at the same time; Thierry was heading off to work while I was waiting to give my usual excuse. My work place is only ten minutes away from where we Morgan and I live. I am going to run home to quickly throw on a dress before heading off to work.When we both got to the main road we both took the bus from in front his house and jumped off two stops later. I went in to old street underground station while he left on exit one and went toward exit 4 in the subway.  Before he left he kissed me and said goodbye. ‘See you soon’. In the weirdest of ways I believed I would see him again.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 07, 2011 ⏰

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