The Stupidity Of Saint Stefan

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Damon sat on the smooth, dark leather of his living room sofa, drinking bourbon.

He was enjoying his drink in peace, when there was a loud and frantic pounding on the front door. A large part of him considered not answering, he was enjoying his privacy, but then he smelled the blood, his little brother's blood.

Damon wrenched open the door to Caroline and Jeremy, who were supporting a battered Stefan between them, they staggered through into the living room.

He felt his blood begin to boil as he caught sight of the stakes protruding from his brother's torso. There were two embedded into his back, on either side of his spine, and three had been gruesomely plunged into his stomach.

His face was contorted with pain, his breaths shallow gasps and his eyes were wet.

"Jeremy, go down to the basement and grab four bags of blood. Animal!" Damon ordered sharply.

Jeremy quickly obeyed, surrendering half of Stefan's weight to Caroline, who was more than capable of handling it.

He strode over to her and his brother and, before anyone could realise what he was doing, ripped the two stakes from his brother's back.

"Aaggh!" Stefan groaned noisily, a sob catching in his throat. He clenched his eyes shut, his pride refusing to let him cry in front of either Damon or Caroline.

Damon reached out to grab onto Stefan, who tried feebly to pull away.

"" He mumbled, sounding less like a grown man and more like a little boy.

Damon held Stefan so that his back was to him, and he was facing Caroline. Who had an expression of extreme concern etched across her face.

"Sorry, little brother." Damon whispered, tightening his grip. One arm was wrapped over Stefan's arms, the other round his chest, to hold him in place.

"Caroline." He gestured with his chin to the stakes rooted in Stefan's belly.

For a split second she looked squeamish, but her eyes soon became determined, she nodded once.

Reaching out, she made sure her hold on the rough stake was secure before yanking it out as quickly as possible.

"Fuck! Urrgh!" Stefan stubbornly refused to open his eyes, but the tears escaped anyway, to his extreme chagrin.

He barely noticed that Jeremy had re-entered the room, he was in agony.

Caroline made to pull out the next one but Stefan shook his head. "Please, don't just..."

"We can't leave it in there, sorry." Damon uttered softly.

He knew that his older brother was right hurt. At that moment leaving the stake in there seemed like the best option. The least painful anyhow.

Jeremy appeared sick.

"Jer, I am not cleaning up your vomit, if you're going to do it, do it in the bathroom." Damon warned.

Jeremy stayed anyway.

Damon could feel the warmth of Stefan's blood staining his shirt.

There better be a good reason Stefan's in this situation. I liked this shirt.

Stefan lost his self control bit by bit, he howled as the next stake was torn out, and by the last he was openly sobbing.

"It's okay. It's okay, Stef." Damon comforted him, kissing him lightly on the side of the head.

If Stefan had been in a better way he would have been shocked, as it was Alaric could have exploded through the wall in a bull dozer and it would not have evoked much of a reaction from the man.

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