My dark Angel(or devil?)

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I , by all rights ,is no popular kid at school . In fact , I am a freak , also a geek . And even I know that something was wrong after dad told me that he and mother wanted to "talk" to me . They never really "talk" to me , not even when I scored lowest in the level for every single subject , not when I decided to become a new person ( that is kinda a long story ) .

So that was how I concluded that things must really be bad if they wanted to talk to me . So I was sitting at the table with two adults smiling really awkwardly at me across the table .

"Yes, you wanted to talk ?"

" Yah , er....papa,you talk ."

Dad cleared his throat and adjusted his collar . "You are really looking good today ,darling ," he finally blurted out and I highly doubt that that was what he had been meaning to say all along . Mum nudged him and he pretended not to notice .

"Fine ,I'll do it . So ,sweetie , me and dad is going on a honeymoon !"

I could not say that I was surprised . But the point was , my parents are going for honeymoons all the time ,and they had never wanted to talk about it . What they do is disappear in the morning and leave a note on the table ,like " We are so sorry sweetheart , I really wanted to make you breakfast , but I realized that we were running a little late for the flight to Paris , so , see you in a week's time!"

I guess you pretty much get my point . "So, my love , we are putting you with Vennessa !"

"Aunt Vennessa stays in Australia ."I thought that was a pretty obvious point , but apparently my parents did not manage to get that fact straight enough.

" Oh , I am so sorry , honey , we are going for around three months . You see, three months is like a really long time , but Aunt Vennessa told us she was okay with taking you in . She said she could arrange for you to attend a school near her house too , isn't it great , sweetie ?"

I bet you guys can imagine how awkward it is with two adults smiling too brightly with expressions that say "pretty please ". I could hardly say no , can I ? C'mon , I'm not that mean . Now it explains everything with the "parents-to-kid" talk.

"Okay but I will really be fine by myself too , I am old enough already . I am fifteen ."

" Oh dear , what if you go down the stairs , trip and fall and hurt your head? And what if a mad dog barged into the house ? What if you find a kitten under the washing -machine .What if ...what if ..." mum is doing her over-wild imagination again . The possibility of the mad dog thing happening is close to zero . And it is not as if I will ever cook a kitten and eat it if I were to find one under the washing machine . There is something called SPCA on earth .

Dad , with his more (thanks god) logical mindset , said "Accidents do happen , and may it turn out to be so , we do hope that you have an adult to turn to , one to seek any guidance which you should need ."

Okay fine , he is a free-lance writer anyway ,unlike mum who is a international -best selling author . I guess alien-like imagination may be a bonus if you are to be an author . It might not be so great if you write articles for a science magazine , which is what my dad does.

So in the end , with both sides agreeing to the matter , we ended this "talk".

My dark Angel(or devil?)Where stories live. Discover now