Chapter 2

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 "White Liar"

2011 Copyright All RIghts Reserved

Chapter 2

Exactly who does this new chick think she is?   Doesn't she realize who I am?  Hasn’t she ever heard of the old adage that to be somebody, you have to know somebody?  Well, dammit, I’m the somebody that she needs to know!  All of these thoughts ran rampant through Justin's head during class.  He didn't get it. He really could not comprehend what this girl’s problem was.

The bell rang and Justin quickly stood up.  He watched the new girl gather her things and rush out of the classroom.  She had told him that she wanted to play games with him.  If it was playtime that she wanted, then playtime was what she was going to get.  Justin Pinnix knew for a fact that he was the best there ever was and probably the best that ever will be when it comes to the socialites that walked the halls here at Northeast High School.  And that's just stating the honest to God truth.

Two hours later, Justin silently seethed because he was still thinking about that girl. 

"What's up man?  You look like you’re deep in thought or something."

He glanced over to his best bud, John, who had no problem keeping pace with him.  They were both heading back to the locker room after running laps on the track for P.E.  John wasn't there when he had the initial confrontation with the new girl so he hadn't seen what actually went down between the two, but he had most definitely heard about it.  It seems like everybody and their mama has heard about it by now, Justin thought dryly to himself.  He shook his head and grunted in hopes of avoiding the inevitable question.  He was most definitely not up to talking about it…yet.

It completely baffled him how this one girl in particular had the ability to both infuriate him and then intrigue him at the same time. What made it even worse was the fact that he didn't even know her name.  How crazy was that?

"It's her, isn't it?  The new chick," John pushed, still steadily keeping his pace with Justin's as the two of them walked into the stifling locker room.  On any other given day, John would have been oblivious to what was going on with anybody other than himself but for whatever reason, he had to choose today of all days to be the perceptive one.

"No," Justin told him curtly, not wanting to go into any further detail.  He wasn't about to admit that he was in fact thinking about her.  Right now, the way that he saw it, she was his problem and he didn't want to let on to anyone exactly how far off his game this chick had thrown him.  Justin may have felt like he had fallen off the proverbial horse, but he was sure as hell determined to get back up on it and ride again. And when he finally rode, he would ride circles around the girl, leaving her to stare blankly at his dust cloud.

"It's the girl," John said again, sounding sure of himself when they stopped at their lockers for fresh clothes and towels.  Justin glanced in his direction and frowned when he noticed him smirking.  He was lucky that he wasn't looking at him because the way that Justin felt right now, he may have been inclined to smack the smirk right off his face.  Instead, John kept his concentration on getting his stuff ready for a shower.  Justin followed suit but froze when he heard John casually mumble, "It's about time somebody got to you like that."

Justin stopped what he was doing right then and there, dropped his hands to his sides and turned to him. 

"What did you just say?"  He had barely heard him, but Justin did not like what John had been implying. To imply that someone was getting to a guy like him grated against every nerve ending in his overworked body.  Even if it was the truth, he certainly didn't want to be reminded of it.

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