Satellite Phone

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The group carefully crawled along the edge of the forest around the runway. They occasionally took a peak between the trees, trying to locate their equipment boxes. It wasn't long before they found Cooper's body. His backpack had somehow survived the attack. It laid on the ground about 10 feet away from him.
"It's a good thing Cooper grabbed one for us," one of the Mercs said.
"Why's that?" asked David.
The merc pointed down the runway. They could just barely see the boxes scattered around the end of the runway. They could also see a Baryonyx rummaging through them. It pushed boxes around, ripped them apart, and chewed up anything it found.
"Cooper's backpack it is," David whispered.
The group exchanged glances. Who was going to be the one to run out and grab it? The Baryonyx was only a few hundred feet away. It could easily see them if they weren't careful. One man stepped forward. He got down on his belly and started crawling out on to the runway.
Slowly he made his way across the asphalt. The rest of the team watched the dinosaur closely. Not once did it take notice of the man. It was really distracted by something it found in the boxes.
The man snagged the phone and brought it back. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The air around them changed slightly. Dr. Grant's hair stood on end. He felt a pair of eyes drilling its way into his very soul. The bushes behind them rustled, but he didn't dare look back at it. David and his crew hadn't even noticed what was happening.
"Everyone, quiet down," Alan murmured.
Confusion swept them for a brief second until they saw the look of horror on Alan's face. They didn't know what the danger was, but they were already beginning to panic.
"Something is in the bushes behind us. It's hungry. Don't look at it... that would be a signal," Alan cautioned.
"Signal for what?" David pressed.
"To begin the attack..." Alan didn't have any hard facts to figure out what dinosaur it was, but his gut only told him one thing. A soft, but aggressive growl gave him the evidence he need. He'd heard that sound before. He remembered locking eyes with the animal through the door of the office on Isla Nublar. It was a velociraptor. They always hunted in packs.
Alan looked back the way they came, avoiding eye contact with the creature behind him. He spotted a shape hidden among the tree line that wasn't there before. It moved slightly and it wasn't from the wind. Their exit was covered. They couldn't go back. He turned his attention to the shack only a hundred feet from their current position. Chances were good the building housed a couple of them... but being inside that building would give them better odds than being out in the open.
Alan made a subtle gesture with his hand. Everyone's eyes followed his finger to the shack. David didn't question him for second, "How do we do this? Won't they attack the second we run?"
"Empty one of the backpacks and throw it at the one in the bushes behind us. That should confuse it long enough for us to make the distance," Alan concocted the best plan he could with what was available.
They dumped the meager contents of a backpack onto the dirt. After balling it up the group counted to three with their hands. Three was reached, the back pack was tossed, and the raptor began attacking the bag they'd tossed. All of them could hear the erupting calls from the raptor pack destroy the previous calming silence.
One of the Mercs was tripped half way to the shack. David turned to see a raptor sinking its teeth into his leg. David aimed his gun at the creature, but wasn't fast enough. The man was dragged, screaming for his life, into the jungle. David turned back and ran into the small building. He slammed the door shut and knocked over a shelf to cover the door.
"What now?!" a merc asked.
"We stand out ground," Alan said, his voice wavering.
The building seemed to be some kind of storage facility. Dozens of metal shelves were lined with provisions and drinks that had long since gone bad. Pieces of mechanical equipment were scattered across the floor. Windows were placed along various parts of the walls. Dirt had made it nearly impossible to see out of them. The air was thick with the scent of decaying food and wood. This was a death trap.
Dozens of footsteps circled the wooden building. Alan grabbed an abandoned wrench. He would use this as a weapon if things got really bad. Claws scratched against the outer walls. Hisses and snarls came from just out of view of the windows. Everyone prepared for the worst.
Glass shattered and flew everywhere. A velociraptor jumped through one of the windows unexpectedly. It crashed right into a shelf, knocking it over. Like dominoes, the shelves toppled over one by one dividing the group in two.
David took the first shot and landed a bullet right in the creature's eye. It shrieked in pain loud enough to deafen all of them. A small spray of bullets put the creature down before it could attack. Two more windows shattered. More raptors began to pour in. A couple came in through the already shattered glass.
A raptor focused on Grant and leapt into the air. He barely managed to side step the beast before swinging his wrench at full force into the raptor's stomach. The creature jumped back and roared at him.
David smacked a raptor with the butt of his gun before laying a few bullets into another. From behind, a raptor jumped onto his back. It knocked him to the ground and placed its foot over his spine. Before the talon claw could tear through his flesh, a stray bullet pelted the animal.
The momentary shift of balance freed David who popped the creature with a few pistol shots. David jumped over the shelves to join Alan. The two them stared down 3 raptors who were eyeing them up. Behind the dinosaurs he could see the other mercs being slaughtered. Only one other remained alive.
The raptors prepared to lunge at them, but stopped. They perked up and listened closely. Every single raptor turned and hissed at the front door. The front wall of the building exploded, splitters of wood cascaded around the room. The Baryonyx had come crashing through the wall.
The dinosaurs roared at the raptors who roared right back. Alan and David seized the opportunity and jumped out the nearest window. The last surviving merc did the same. The three of them ran as fast as their legs could carry them. The distant roars growing ever more faint.
David led the two back to "camp". When they emerged several men shorter than when they left, not one person questioned it. They hung their heads dejectedly. After catching his breath, David pulled the satellite phone from his pocket and placed it in Alan's hands, "Dr. Grant, you have a phone call to make."

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