
17 3 0

Poem; Sonnet 

Red, and explosion of passion and fury,

Like a loud collision of love and hate.

Orange, fire, rising up in a flurry

Of flames, the earth in a burned blackened state.

Yellow, the morning sunlight flickering

Through barely shimmering silver curtains.

Green, a freshly trimmed lawn subtly trembling

With the movement of the life it contains.

Blue, the midday sky filled with small white clouds,

Or with twinkling stars just after twilight.

Purple, a dark and vivid thing that shrouds

Out terror and replaces it with might.

Colours embody emotions and life,

Soft as a feather or sharp as a knife...


-- I originally wrote this as an English assignment and  I had to finish it in one class period, so even though it's flawed as far as a sonnet goes, I'm quite proud.  I got a B on it though.  You have no idea how utterly disappointed I was. *cries in shame* --

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