Chapter 1: If This Was a Movie...

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Welcome everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that this is the second novel that I have written of this franchise, so please have a look at Avery Jennings on my wattpad page to read the first book before reading this, thank you!

Chapter One

As I watch Avery grip her hands tightly to the wheel of the hired SUV, I felt myself panic. We was sitting in the parking lot of the one place she hated with all her heart. Hospital. I follow her as she gets out, and she pays for the parking ticket at the faulty machine, the darkness of the night dimly lit by the orangey toned street lamps around the lot. She doesn't want to be here. Miami is not her home. Her mind was running crazy, I could tell, and she still couldn't quite comprehend what she'd heard on the phone only twenty-four hours ago. I look at my watch, twenty past one in the morning. My head was buzzing with thoughts of what happened. Suddenly Avery's eyes moisten a little too much, and a droplet of water falls out and down her cheek. This was by far, the scariest thing that has ever happened to us. She couldn't deal with what she was about to face.

The walk to the hospital doors was the worst part. She checked her phone repeatedly to make sure that the text message she'd received for the room was correct, checking it again and again.

We headed to the lift, which surprisingly was busy for the time of night. I held her hand but she didn't do anything, she was in too much pain. Eventually we got to the floor, and walked along the lonely, warm but cold corridors to the correct ward. As it was so late, there were signs up reading 'Respect Everyone by keeping talking at a minimum during the hours of 10pm-8am, Thank you.'

The signs didn't matter anyway, neither Avery or I had made a sound. Now, was the time for her to face reality. This was it.

We approached the door to the private room and Avery took a deep breath.

I notice, and look up to Avery; "Okay?" I mouth.

She doesn't respond, but takes a deep breath, She was most definitely not okay. She slowly pushes the door of the hospital room open, and suddenly the fast beats of her heart sinks to a sudden stop. I look at her, and she is at a standstill with her eyes wide in shock.

Avery stands outside the room after this, clearly the pain was too much for her. I stand and hug her body as she cries into her hands.

I couldn't bare it, I couldn't look. I left the room quickly and stood outside the room, breathing slowly and feeling my eyes fill with tears.

Her face, her mouth, her head, her body, was brutally damaged. I couldn't believe what I saw. The tubes, the mask, the unreality of it all. The board at the base of the bed, reading "serious damage to the face and body. Patient on life support."

I couldn't believe that when I went in there it was really here, with all those tubes and bandages on her face. I didn't want to see what the rest of her body was like if that was the state that her face was in.

I return into the room, facing the fear of reality once again. I sit at the base of the bed, take her hand and whisper "You're going to be okay."

I look around the small hospital room, she had balloons around the room, a giant one saying 'Get well soon' and a couple of cards on the table.

I go into my purse and pick out the red enveloped card, opening it for her and placing it on the table next to her bed. I whisper to her sleeping body "Get well soon... I'll be here for you when you wake up."

I watch her as she stands at the foot of the bed, staring at all the bruises and tubes on my beaten face.

I look at Lana. She was very seriously injured. A car accident last night made her this way. Who knew that visiting her dying Grandmother would leave her in the same state as the person she was visiting. Dying.

I stand above Avery, looking down at her and my own body. Am I dying? Avery's tears do not slow, but increase and run down her tired and worn out face.

Crying usually fades after a while, but that night in my hotel I've never felt myself cry as much as I did. Lana had been hurt really badly, and nobody knew how long she would be in this condition. I hadn't processed what had happened until now. She was in on life support.

I didn't sleep that night. Instead, I lay awake and went over everything I'd said to her before she left for Florida. I'd told her to have a safe flight and to call me every day. The one thing I hadn't told her, was that I loved her. Surely, the world isn't as cruel as to kill her without letting me at least say goodbye...

This cannot be goodbye Avery, it can't be.

Or is it?

I didn't know why I could read her thoughts. I lay next to her in her hotel room above the duvets. I know she can't feel me, or see me, or hear me. I know I am not real. The major question that I wished the answer to is, Am I going to wake up?

Lana is my true love, she can't be gone.

And you are mine. No matter how this ends up, I will always be with you.

I cry myself to sleep eventually, after hours of worrying I will wake up and she will be dead.

I will not be dead. I am here. I will wipe your tears. If only the hand I reach out to wipe them could feel your soft, beautiful face, and you could feel my finger stroking your cheek.

If only... I wasn't dying.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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