“Again, because of you! But he never found your soul; instead you were always in the air, watching over everything. He never gave up though, every life he turned at the age of fifteen all his past memories entered his mind, and he set out to find your soul, and because of that he found you, although almost eleven centuries later.”

  “How did he remember his past lives? That’s why it’s called reincarnation right? Your meant for a new life, a new start. So why?” Iana was more intrigued than scared, she wanted to know the story of this mysterious former Lord the man keeps on talking about it. How he remembered his past lives. It was incredible, and the man must be very powerful.

  The man smiled, amused by her, “the only thing that a soul can do to keep its memories is will. He used every part of his will to keep them, and he devoted his time to finding you. The devotion was what boosted the will and the promise that his soul would remember. Just like yours, has data to anything it goes through. Deep inside your soul, you have memories from your very first life too.”

  She could remember memories from centuries ago? How?

  “Tell me how to do it,” she said immediately.

  The man tsked a couple times, shaking his head in disapproval.

  “Now why would I tell you that? You’d know the answers to how we got here, and we don’t need an insolent teenager like you to know that.”

  Iana sighed in defeat, and slouched back in her chair, shaking involuntarily. It’s not like she could go anywhere, she was tied up. She just wished that Jack was here. She missed him, and his warmth too.

  The Veratti were furious with the Guardians failed protection upon Iana. They were all running around hectic and insane-like trying to find a way to get her back. Nobody knew where she was, nobody knew who took her, and nobody knew when they would get her back.

  Each group had their own set of things to do to proceed in getting Iana back. The warriors were to look for anything suspicious that would result in the hiding of a person. The mothers in the Veratti were to look at any enemies of Iana that wanted her and see if they were acting differently and such, and the leaders asked other groups like the Lycanthropes or the werewolves, the Vampires, the Fae, or the other group of Guardians Tiscaat.

  Some of the warriors went through the whole crime scene where Iana was taken, and found nothing. There was only little bits of glass left from the car, some skid marks, and a blood stain on the road.

  The girls who were in the car with Iana were still in the hospital. Cassie, was awake though was immobile in her bed since she was fresh out of surgery that removed glass from her organs, while Mia was in a coma from the severe injury to her head.

  Cassie only remembered a black SUV coming towards them in full speed, and caught the license plate. The license plate brought hope to the Veratti briefly, because after they ran it through the system they found that was registered as a stolen car.

  The Veratti were stuck. Nothing was leading them to Iana. No evidence, no suspects, no witnesses, nothing. This only made her soul mate Jack perturbed and infuriated.

  Something had to lead them to her, someone, even. There had to be a person in the people who kidnapped her that did not agree with their ways, there had to be. A miracle had to happen for that to happen, because so far, nothing was on their side.

  Brandon sighed as he clenched Mia’s hand. He was getting impatient. He needed to tell her everything. His heritage demanded it of him. After all, he was a descendent of Hera, the goddess of fertility, marriage, and of course, soul mates.

  Mia was his soul mate, and it took all of him not to scream at the top of his lungs for the doctors to wake her up. Brandon knew they could do nothing, and he knew that she needed this sleep to heal. Though if she never woke up, he didn’t know what he would do.

  Leaning back in his uncomfortable seat still holding Mia’s hand, he thought about the first time he knew she was his soul mate. It was a couple days after his seventeenth birthday, September second, to be exact. It was a year before him and the rest of his friends met Jack and Iana.

  Dean was having trouble with his girlfriend, Stacey, and soon found out that she was cheating on him with the star quarterback Casey. So Jason, Cassie, Dean, Mia, and him all went out to cheer him up. At the end of the night, Jason drove Dean home drunk and passed out, and Brandon drove the girls home.

  Cassie was dropped off first since she was closer to where they were, so after she left it was just Mia and Brandon.

  They started talking, talking about everything. About what their hobbies, about their past, anything. Brandon had parked in an abandoned parking lot, and they lied on the hood of his car and continued talking.

  “What do you think about love?” Mia had asked.

  Brandon shrugged, “I don’t know. I’ve never really love loved someone.”


  Again he lifted his shoulders, “I’m waiting for the one I guess.”

  She had giggled a little bit before answering. “You haven’t been a virgin in a long time, so how are you waiting?”

  “I guess I’m starting anew. I don’t want to be using girls. I want to be involved with someone who I know is the one.”

  “How would you know if their the one?” She asked curiosity evident in her tone.

  This is when Brandon started smiling, “that’s just the thing, you don’t know it, you feel it.”

  They stayed in silence for a couple of seconds, both in their own thoughts as they gazed unconsciously at the stars. Brandon was thinking of the day he would get to promise his life to his soul mate. The day they would be bound more deeper than a ring or a paper.

  “I don’t think I’ll find, ‘the one’ for me,” Mia said suddenly, a sigh following her words.


  “Honestly,” she said, sitting up to look at Brandon, “because I feel as if I’m not worthy. I feel that I don’t deserve anybody. It’d be useless to be with somebody when you know you’re guaranteed a broken heart and an empty home.”

  Brandon saddened at her words, feeling sympathy for her.

  “I guess I’ll just be the lady with ten cats with names that all start with Mr. or Ms.” She chuckled, and Brandon imagined the image in his head, wrinkling his nose in dismay.

  “I’ll be fine,” Mia whispered, “I always have been.”

  A spark exploded in Brandon’s chest as he looked at Mia. It spread with warmth through his veins and tingled its way to his toes and the tips of his fingers.  The feeling was so immediate and intense that it made him sit straight up from his laying position.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Mia asked worriedly, and set her hand lightly on his arm. Brandon jumped at the contact, but felt so much comfort and safety through the touch. It was amazing to him, how it took his breath away and gave him air all at once.

  “Yeah,” Brandon said, grinning, “I’m okay now.”

  Ever since then he’s been paying Mia more attention, trying to get her to realize the attraction coming from him. But alas, she remained in the dark. Brandon wanted Mia to like him from her own free will. He wanted to see the feelings that he felt come from her.

  Even though it’s been over a year, he knew one day it would happen. And that day would be one of the happiest in his life.


   Hugh Dancy will be Hadean, the 'Dark One's' son. Photo on sidebar...

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