Taylor's train of thought crashes into a wall when Karlie all but fall on top of her, pressing her full weight against Taylor's slightly smaller body. "I repeat; why are you like this?" Taylor mumbles as she blows some of Karlie's hair out of her face. Karlie gives no answer, continuing to lay her dead weight against Taylor as if they have all the time in the world. As if they don't need to be on the road in an hour.

"I'm going to keep laying here until you give up this flower thing. Say you give up."

"I don't even have time anymore, so I give up. When your mom shuns me you'll only have yourself to blame." Taylor's always had a flair for the dramatic.

"Good." Karlie ignores Taylor's dramatics and rolls off of her, jostling Meredith in the process. The dark grey and white cat jumps aside, looking personally offended and surprised that Karlie would dare touch her in such a way. Taylor laughs at the startled look on her cat's face. Meanwhile, Olivia is already eagerly climbing onto Karlie's chest. She's a lot more personable than her big sister.

"I just want them to like me." Taylor breaks the silence that has developed between them. Karlie stops scratching behind Olivia's folded right ear, turning her head towards Taylor. Taylor does the same, so that they're almost nose to nose. She feels that familiar clenching in her stomach. It's a feeling she always gets when she's able to observe Karlie's face up close. The angular cheekbones, the perfect smattering of freckles, the adorable button nose. Taylor knows every feature of Karlie's face yet she's always left breathless in moments like this.

"They're going to love you," Karlie looks so sure of it.

"They still hate me for not really being there for your birthday."

Karlie rolls her eyes. They look extra beautiful today – something that Taylor didn't even know was possible. It's hard to describe them because 'green' just doesn't seem to do them justice. There always has to be an adjective in front. Sometimes they're moss green. Sometimes emerald. Sometimes they look like jade.

"Playing a sold out show the next day is more important."

Taylor's face smooths over. She shakes her head firmly, her ruby red lips pressing into a hard line.

"Nothing like that is ever more important than you. It doesn't even compare."

"Your career is your life, Taylor. Does it suck sometimes? Yeah, sure, but we make it work. My parents don't understand that but when they see us together they'll get it. I know they'll get it." Karlie grazes her nose against Taylor's. It immediately sets the singer at ease. "And if they don't then that's their loss, I'm not going to stop dating you. If you haven't noticed, I kind of love you."

Taylor can't help the smile that spreads across her face. She feels the warmness in her chest and she's pretty sure she's blushing. She presses a soft kiss to Karlie's lips.

"I love you too."

"Even though I'm annoying?"

"Even though you're annoying."

They both laugh and Taylor's content to just lay there and stare into Karlie's eyes for a few more minutes – a few hours, really – but they kind of have things to pack and places to be. They're making the three and a half hour drive to upstate New York to visit Karlie's family. Karlie had accompanied Taylor down to Nashville for Christmas and it had gone extremely well. Karlie is used to Taylor's parents and younger brother, having met them too many times to count over the last year and a half. She's already solidified her relationship with Taylor's parents. They think she's wonderful, just like everyone else does. Taylor's happy that she has her parents' support with this relationship but she's also filled with apprehension when she thinks about her relationship with Karlie's own family. She's met the twins many times and they even stayed over her apartment once while visiting Karlie. They're young and funny, albeit a little nosy when it comes to Taylor and Karlie's relationship. Kimby, in particular, is a handful. Taylor loves them both though, and had thought that Karlie's parents would be easy to befriend as well. She's met them before, along with Karlie's older sister but she could never seem to get through to them. Kristine always thought Taylor had some ulterior motive and Karlie's parents were just so hard to read.

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