Slumber Party Crashed by The Boys

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Emmalyne pov

I was decorating my room with posters that I got from a band store and putting all my clothes away in a big closet in the bathroom.

I did some extra cleaning in my room and the bathroom and I even had time to decorate the bathroom in black and red items before Erica and Izzy came down the stairs with small duffle bags.

"Hey!" they yelled in unison and then laughed. I giggled and finished making my bed in blue and purple bed sheets.

Just saying I used my own money for all of the things I bought. Its my emergency money.

I heard a new set of footsteps as I turned to see a new girl standing at the bottom of the staircase. She was kinda short with long brown hair pulled into a ponytail and brown eyes.

They all actually dress the same. Different colored skinny jeans, tank tops, and little sweaters. I have everyone leave there shoes at the door cause I got a new vanilla colored rug.

"Hey Emmy, this is Bella. I met her at school." Izzy wrapped.her arm around Bella's tan shoulders.

"Hi Bella. I'm Emmalyne." I said putting my hand out to shake her hand but then her smell hit my nose. She's one of us..........

10:37 pm...............

We were all press out on my bed as we ate kettlecorn popcorn and looked through fashion magazines as we looked for hot male models............JK ......... we were going shopping tomorrow and just wanted a previous what we were seeing tomorrow.

"Hey Bell, why don't you get these. They will make you tan legs look longer!" I showed Bella the page that had different colored pumps and heels. She blushed. She doesn't exactly like when people complement her but.........

"I'm pretty sure you can pull them off and all the guys would be on there knees for you." Izzy laughed.

A Good Charlotte CD was blaring from the radio as we talked. Since we all had super hearing we heard each other fine.


I said ALL of us have super hearing. Bella is a alpha werewolf of her own pack that I still haven't met. Izzy is the.beta in her pack that I also haven't met.

Erica is in her own pack that I've met w few from hers. I am the only line wolf.

"Hey guys? What if I made my own pack?" I asked. They all stared at me like I was on crack but the squeaky staircase had all of us looking at the stairs with red and gold eyes.

Isaac pov

Stiles, Scott, Derek, and I quietly opened the basement door in Scott's house were Emmalyne was staying.

In order to see if she is s threat or not we decided eavesdropping was OK. God were we wrong. As we stepped done some stares we were greeted with pounding music. How.could they even hear each other.

Stiles peaked over the side then snapped back.

"Ya could of said they all were werewolves! That'd kinda important to know!" he whispered.

Then all the girls were ay the bottom of the staircase. Scaring the crap out of all of us. Emmalynes eyes faded back to there original color. Her eyes were actually pretty and they bored into mine.

"Can we help you?" she growled.

"UM-I-UH-NO!"Stiles tan for the door but was stopped by Derek.

"Just wondering if you were OK." Scott said and he lied good. Emmalyne nodded as the girls behind her smirked.

Emmalyne laughed and stepped forward. All of us stepped back. We don't know if she is a bad fighter or good fighter or if she can control her anger.

"Maybe you should go!" she whispered.

"You will join us for training tomorrow! " Derek snapped.

"No than-"

"It wasn't a question! " Derek yelled. She flinched and stepped back quickly and covered her face. What is she doing?

I looked at Derek and everyone had the same expression. Confused.

When she moved her hand she looked at Derek.

"You aren't going to hit me?" She asked.

"Why the hell would I hit you?" he asked back.

She just shook her head and sighed.

"Can you boys leave?" she whispered. Everyone left. Once we closed the door we went to scotts room to talk. About Emmalyne. Well we were until we heard police sirens.


Bella was created by lovelycorps00. She did great. I still need a few people for Emmalynes pack so feel free to send some people. And enjoy. <3

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