sorry... forgive me

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My heart is screaming,
Was it my fault that you're gone,
Was it me that hurt you,
Was it me that lead you to the final goodbye,
Tell me , tell me,
Please tell me.

My heart is yearning ,
To hear you ,
Please say you forgave me ,
Please listen I am sorry,
I know my tears can't express what my heart says ,
But please hear my prayer just once,
I love you ,
I miss you ,
Um sorry,
Just listen to my cries,
Know you can't come back ,
But just once appear in my dreams,
Say you forgave me ,
For not fulfilling my duties,
For not being there,
Please say you still love me,
I miss you so much.

Please relief me from this guilt,
Or please make my heart as a stone that it can't feel anything,
Just tell me something,
My heart ,
Its burning,
I can't live but please tell me um forgiven,
So that I can take my breath,
That um holding.
Please say you forgave me ,
Please set my hurting soul free,
You know I love you ,
Please appear once and give me your forgiveness,
Please tell me you will,
Just a whisper ,
Just a second,
Please come back ,
See um crying,
Please, just once so that this burden that burning my heart and soul can be set free,
Please hear me once ...that I wm sorry
And set me free and accept my apology.


Guys its my second book about poems and I am not any professional writer ,
I write to express what I am feeling or what people request me to write so I know I am not even a okay writer so if you find my poems or any writing like a armature than forgive me but don't kill me with any harsh words but I'll be grateful if you Comment and follow ...and if not then nice talking to you cause you're too awesome for me to meet you . And thank you. Love ya all.


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