"Doll what are you getting into. You thinking too deep, relax your mind. You need more sleep and rest. I'm not leaving you because then you won't sleep."

"Zayaan please don't be stubborn."

"Doll please don't be stubborn and listen to me. This deal is not important. I didn't want to do this deal in the first place."

"Why? What's wrong with the deal."

"It was with the Hamidi's. Zuhair fixed it last week, he said they were interested in signing a deal for one of our hotels."

"So you cancelled it because of last night."

"No doll, please forget about it. I don't want to do business with such people."

Zayaan didn't want to listen to me, so I messaged Zuhair bhai to come to my room. I didn't tell Zayaan that I called him. I had to make Zuhair bhai convince him to sign the deal.

"Bhai, Zayaan cancelled a deal with the Hamidi's. He doesn't want to listen to me. Please talk to him."

"Amu I think he did the right thing and personally I can't tell him how to run his business."

"Bhai your suggestions are always welcome, your sister won't listen to me I don't know why she got you involved."

"Because I thought he would help me but he is on your side."

"Amu if only we realised it before but people like the Hamidi's we must stay away from."

"Bhai you can't call the whole family bad if one person turned bad, it's not his parent's or siblings fault."

"Why did they come here to boast with their new daughter-in-law, they could have just told us over the phone we did that."

"I don't know bhai but maybe it wasn't intentional."

Zuhair bhai or Zayaan wasn't ready to listen to anything I said so I left them. I sent Zayaan down while I took a refreshing shower. I told him to come back in 20 minutes to help me down.

I was too weak to walk down the stairs alone, I wanted to have lunch with everyone. My Nani and Nanu can't come up the stairs so I wanted to see them and spend sometime with them as well.

After lunch Zayaan and I sat with Nani and Nanu outside in the garden. They were telling him stories of my childhood and stories about our family.

He was really thrilled by them both, my Nanu told him not to be shy to hold my hand infront of others, he said that it shows your partner you care and you there for them.

I saw Zayaan laughing for the first time, it was nice to see him enjoy himself. While Zayaan was busy chatting to my Nani, my Nanu spoke to me privately.

"Amu meri bachi, Zayaan is a lovely person. I know you were having problems to accept him, I hope that's over and you have accepted him now. I can see he loves you dearly but I also know that you don't love him."

"Nanu he is a lovely person, I got to know him in these last few weeks. He stayed two weeks extra just so we could spend time together and we could work through our differences, I appreciate that. I have accepted him as a part of my life, as a friend but I can't yet accept him as a partner."

"It takes time Amu but don't do anything that will lead you to losing him. He cares alot for you, the way he spoke last night shows that he cares. Zuhair told me how upset he was when Aahil misbehaved with you."

"I know he cares for me and loves me, he tells me all the time. I just never say it back because I don't feel the same. I don't know if I ever will and so I don't want him to get his hopes up."

"Bachi, life is too short to waste it, Zayaan is standing by your side now and in your future he is going to be there so bring yourself to care for him and love him."

"I will try Nanu."

"What is grand-daughter and grandfather talking about? Not bad about me I hope," Zayaan says nonchantly.

"No beta I'm speaking to Amu about last night, telling her to put it behind her."

"I've been telling her the same thing whole morning Nanu."

"Nanu I'm not listening to him because he doesn't listen to me. He cancelled a business meeting because of me."

"Beta you shouldn't do that just like family comes first so does business. It feeds the family."

"Nanu I didn't cancel because of Amu, I cancelled it because it was with the Hamidi's and after last night I don't want to do business with them."

"Oh I see, now I understand. I agree with Amu, I feel business and personal matters should be separate."

"I agree Nanu but you don't do business with the enemy. After last night if they can't respect my loved ones then I can't respect them."

We came to a conclusion to agree to disagree. My Nanu explained to me that Zayaan is also not wrong because he feels strongly in respect and that it is his choice who he wants to do business with.

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