"Then what do you expect us to do? We have to do something Braedon, it isn't fair otherwise. We have to do something to help Glaive, I promised him, there is no way I am going to let you simply let him die just because you are too shortsighted to get over trying to be smart, no one cares, what they care about is that you are willing to come and deal with this king before he deals with Glaive! Knife, you need to, otherwise he will die, there is no way Glaive can survive such a problem, he will most certainly die, and it will be on your conscience." He pointed an accusing finger at me, as if expecting me to retaliate.

"Rapier, you missed something important, again." I chided him. "I said we wouldn't attack the king, but if it's poison we are dealing with, there is always going to be an anti venom."

Rapier's face dropped, like a child that has just been told that Santa doesn't exist, which of course he does. "I should have thought of that," he mumbled, then looked at me. "I am losing my edge, Knife, I can't do that, without my edge, I am nothing. Glaive will be impressed though that you were able to work it out in the heat of an argument."

"To be fair with you Rapier, it wasn't much of an argument. It was more a heated talk than an actual argument. But go and contact Glaive, we need him to be able to administer the antidote. Unless he can somehow work out a way to do such a feat before the end of the time, which I highly doubt knowing Glaive." That made Rapier laugh, which was scary, I had never heard Rapier laugh before, to be fair I had never heard most of the group laugh before, apart from a few of them or all as a group. The hoarseness of Rapier's laugh made me cringe and want to hug him, but I decided not to, as he was really awkward when it came to contact and would probably judo flip me if I gave him half the chance.

Rapier rang Glaive, who arrived out the front an hour later, giving us time to set up science stuff and have scientists. Glaive had found out what the poison was called, so that made it even easier. The process took less than fifteen minutes to make, but they passed so slowly that everyone was. Finally it was completed, so we all sat and watched as Glaive gingerly took the flask and drank it, he made a sour face, but swallowed it down, and turning to me and giving his thanks, before driving off again, hopefully to go and become my new ally, or maybe not, but you can always live in hope. Rapier also said his thanks and headed off too, leaving me to the piece of my own land. I asked Sam to drive the car up and I walked up, everyone looked at me while I walked past, some people offered me a lift but I was so amazed by the streets to be able to leave them, so I thanked them for the offer but continued on my way. It was obvious when you reached the base of the mountain. The cobbles changed, becoming square and manufactured. As I continued up the houses became grander and larger, as the wealth grew, so did the houses. I reached the gates to the palace at 8pm and went straight to the bath, where I soaked for longer than I should have, as my fingers started to prune. I hopped out and changed into silk pajamas, with the same symbol of the rearing equine on it. I then turned over and tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't, the worry for Glaive kept me awake. I was so worried for him. What if the anti venom didn't work? What if they kill him anyway? I became so stressed by it that I went for a walk. I exited onto the balcony where Jackson and I had sat and had our conversation, now I was here by myself.

The wind picked up, and the trees swayed. It was a beautiful night. No clouds, just the half-moon that floated dreamily above me. I sat down and looked out over Sandros, over Sloce and hoped to see Graten, where Glaive would be right now, dead or alive, he would be there. There was no way that he could leave that place, not after all that he put himself through. I thought I could see him, but it was just a trick of the light, playing games with my mind, I was just staring at the plains of Sloce, which swayed as the wind swept through the grass. It was so peaceful out here, free from the pain of the rest of the world, where I could be free, free to imagine what I liked. Then I noticed it.

A guard stood down about 10 metres from me, looking blankly into empty space, just like how I had been doing, only he was shivering. He must of been cold. So in response I crept noiselessly down, crept across the grass and placed the blanket around him gently, which still made him jump, but not as much as a great big fright. When he saw who he was addressing he tried to make me take it back, but I said that he was more in need of it then I was. I watched as he draped it back over his shoulders, said his thanks softly, and went back to what he was doing, which I had no doubt was nothing really, but I couldn't just let him freeze to death out here. I walked slowly back to my room, where I found Jackson sobbing quietly out the front of my chambers. I was so startled by this I asked him what was wrong, he said that he had been given a nightmare by the sandman, and that must mean he is a bad child. I replied by saying that he wasn't but if he wanted to he could sleep on the couch in my room, which he quickly accepted and crawled on it and fell straight to sleep, the poor little child. I pulled yet another blanket over him and then finally turned to the bed again, which looked so inviting. I waited for a message from Glaive for a short period of time before I became too tired to bother checking. I put my phone down and put my head on the pillow, which was made of some of the finest goose down in the world, maybe even the best. There was no way I was going back to sleeping in the car, especially if I was helping people like this, even if I felt less helpful.

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