It's good bye now or never

Start from the beginning

The road was lovely and smooth, with the most beautiful scenery, making the landscape just become amplified, mostly because of the lack of houses on the side of the road, with little to no cars coming up or down the highway, which surprised me, until I remembered the fact that there had been a massive war between Sloce and Gambrene, the kingdom I was exiting with such haste, if anyone saw me coming from the Sloce side, they would welcome me with a warm embrace provided I had a valid reason for speeding out of the opposing country, such as being a wanted criminal.

The ride was great, no one to stop me, no one to confuse me, no one to annoy me, it was basically Christmas come early, and the present being silence, only my own choice of music and my cat to have to listen to, and they were both worth my time, unlike certain other things. The car had no hindrance apart from the occasional town, which had long since been deserted because of the constant clashes between the warring nations. This land, which had once been controlled by Glaive's family, was now unofficially run by the king of Sloce, who wasn't the brightest of the bunch, but had good military advisors by his side from what I had read. He himself wasn't very imposing, with anger management problems and quite fat, he wasn't exactly going to be hard to overcome. He was surrounded by guards at all times, but by the customs of our country I could challenge him to a one on one duel to the death, with the winner gaining all the rights of the other, just like how the old ways taught my parents before me and their parents before them. My life was going to change when I became king, that life I dreamt about could finally come true. Settle down with a wife and have an heir to take over when I am gone, and then rule in whatever way I want, most likely prepare my army to attack Dres, and no doubt win. But that was way in the future, for now I must first focus on the task at hand. That was the main goal, get there first, then deal with the rest later, whether it be ten years later is irrelevant at the moment, all I need to do is get there.

The landscape reached a point where the lush forest like areas was replaced with desert, this only spanned about 10 kilometres, but it was still long enough to make me start to worry about what made it like it was, as it wasn't a natural formation that was for sure. It just appeared in the middle of nowhere, and then disappeared as fast as it appeared, it was like some sort of bulldozer had gone crazy and destroyed everything it wanted to. It looked like it had been cleared for some reason, and while I did not know what it was there for, I sure as hell wasn't going to stick around and relax to see what happens, not with the past 48 hours still ticking in my brain like a time bomb. I drove into another town, where there was a small group of people, who looked at me cautiously as I drove through them, but they seemed nice enough and parted for me to get through. I reached the end of the town and drove on, picking up my speed again. The thing that bugged me most about this was the lack of police cars. I had driven a stretch of highway in less than half the time that it should have taken, and yet no one had stopped me, I was almost disappointed, if there had been a survey, I would have filled out unsatisfactory for my treatment to a chase, or to the amount of law enforcement in this area, which was nil, I literally wanted to stab something out of frustration, but everything in the car meant too much to me for me to stab it, so I resorted to just flooring the accelerator pedal and heading down the road way too fast to be safe.

Of course, the only reason there was no cops was because of the war, and so anyone not a civilian that wandered in these parts would be attacked, fortunately, because I theoretically didn't exist, I passed as a rich civilian, so I passed through land owned by the Mafia and other terrorist movements, who were only there for themselves and the people, who they were so called 'protecting' although, from the look on their faces, the civilians had an easier job with the Mafia's help than with the government's so called support regime, which did nothing but line the pockets of the rich, aristocratic level of this country, who were greedy and selfish, if anything was going to happen when I got into power, it would be for all these vulnerable people out here to have education and health where it is needed, even if it wasn't my kingdom, it was still because of my kingdom that people like the kid and selfless people in the towns that I continue to pass by are so vulnerable, meaning that no matter what, I would be there to look after them, through the high times and low times, through thick and thin, through everything I would still be there for them, ready to guide them into Sloce's community if it ever got to a point where they needed to. There was no way I was going to let some idiot lord over people like this just because he wore a crown on his head. His face was going to feel the pain of all those people, his conscience was going to be filled with all the death that he caused, and I hope that he breaks down, that he realizes what he did was wrong, for me, that would be the greatest triumph of all, to see him finally brought to justice for what he did and think about what he should have done when he dies by my hand.

I drove until about 10pm, when I decided to call it a night, I pulled onto a secluded road, parked the car and sat there thinking for a few minutes, then reclined the chair, which was specially designed for this, into a flat bed, where I lay down and before long I was asleep, not worrying about what the rest of The Storm were doing, not even caring about myself, simply dreaming and letting me take my mind away from the real world and into the dream world and beyond.

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