2, 9, 10, 1, 64, 0. The Deciphering of Rain's Date

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January 1st, 2016- sequence 2

My body had already been separated from Rain. She was running.. Running as fast as she could. Lightning speeds. I looked behind her to see the cloaked man chasing her.

"Get back here! Rain!" The man shouted sternly. "I'm not going to hurt you!"

He eventually caught up to Rain and threw her down a alleyway. I followed. The man pinned her to the wall, "We're going home."

Rain quietly replied, "N.. No."

"No!? Why's that?! Is it that human boy?" He yelled.

"Y.. Yes, sir. H.. He's kind to m..."

The man slashed at Rain's legs with the golden dagger from before. "Did you forget that you're mine? Did you forget the code you were taught?! You kill when you're told and you hold no emotion! Is he also the reason why your eyes sparkle with hope now!? Let me make them pretty again... Dim them again." He laughed.
The man cut at the jeans she wore, tearing half of the jeans off, showing her thighs and ankles. He ran his hands along her thigh. Rain started to form tears as anger boiled in me.
Calm down.. This hasn't happened yet. Just listen and analyze his actions.
The man looked up at Rain's face. "Still sparkle eyed? Maybe I have to go further. Your Rysen, isn't going to save you. He took his dagger and began to cut at the silver winged hoodie.

"Rysen.. Please." Rain mumbled quietly.

"What did you say?" The man asked.

"Rysen!! Please! Help!" She called out with tears.

The hoodie fell to the ground leaving Rain in the t-shirt and ripped jeans. The man ripped his hood off. He had a scar across his left eye and a menacing stare. "It's alway him!! Did I not give you enough attention! Did my teaching not help you! Fine.. You want attention.. I'll treat you as a lover, then..." He said lowering his tone.
He reached for Rain's only bit of clothing but, was interrupted. "I'd prefer Rysen over you.." She whispered.

The man brought the dagger to her neck. "What did you just say?.." He asked quietly.

"I said I'd prefer Rysen as a lover over you." She replied with a smirk. "I've never felt a strand of liking towards you. Your beatings only made me hate you and grow numb to emotion."

The dagger slid across her throat as the words, "I win." left her. The man began to hysterically laughing and face the sky. "Love hurts!"

I returned to the sea of black with head splitting pain. Alright.. Again. I went through the sequences over and over until I knew the exact time and street that everything goes down. My eyes looked as if I were a mad man by the twelfth time. The pain in my head, the whispers that called to my ears. "Kill.. Killl. Killl! A laugh started to break from my mouth but, a smack across my face brought me back to reality.

"How in the hell are you even alive." Hilt's voice welcomed me. "By god, child.. You're definitely a odd one."

"Well, I prefer to be odd then dead." I replied.

"Already making jokes.. A mentality of a diamond bar against foam."

"Is that even a saying?" I asked.

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