We pulled into a station just inside of the next border to fill up with diesel, and also grab some food for the road. The first thing we did was make the cameras simply loop what had been happening for the past three hours, which wasn't a lot. Glaive, Katana, Sling, Raven and I went in while the other three remained at the truck filling it up. We then sprung out at the short man behind the counter, who was quite obedient with a sword pressed close to his throat. With Katana holding him, we spanned out, grabbing almost everything in the shop, then leaving without a word. we quickly loaded into the refueled truck, and took off before the man could get our number plate.

We continued down the road and reached a secluded area before dark, where we set about making dinner and getting ready for the night, all knowing that we would find a way to make Voulge rejoin our group.


We all rose at around 4am that morning, packing up all of our things and immediately heading off on our way towards town. We arrived and the first thing that we did was work out where the nearest information centre, working out where there was an unoccupied house, we found one just off the main street and drove there, which was approximately 5 kilometres into the town.

We pulled up and took everything that we owned inside. The house hadn't been lived in for 50 years or so, so the wooden floorboards had rotted away. But we quickly set about fixing that up, placing our bed foam in between the panels below the floor and setting up a primitive scaffold to keep the roof aloft.

We then turned our attention to getting our truck out of street view, luckily the building had a semi-driveway, which led behind the building, where trees covered a parking space just large enough to fit our truck in. We then took most of the contents of the truck out and rearranged it, as on the road it had become piles and piles of stuff, we now rearranged it to be set out in order. After this we went back into the room which we had set up our camp, and sat and talked until it became too dark too see each other. We dared not use any light other than natural ones, as it would only attract attention, fortunately our room was in the furthest place from the street, but that didn't stop us taking precautions.

We rose the next morning and Rapier, Loch and Guisarme went into town to grab something for us to put into storage, while the rest of us set about making our room nicer. Raven found timber beams in the shed out the back, and we spent most of the day laying them into the ground and onto the walls, as well as nailing them perpendicular to the other beans on the roof, just for some added protection. There were decent mattresses up on the second floor, with little to nothing else. We all quickly set the mattresses into place, making sure to check if there were anymore. After finding none, we pulled out a map of the town, which we had been given at the information centre, and worked out that there was a bed store 7 kilometres up the road, which would no doubt have spare mattresses in a storage facility around the premises.

That meant that Raven and Glaive headed off to there, and the remaining three waited for their return. The rest of the group returned around 10pm, having taken the backstreets to avoid suspicion and for anyone to know that we were here. It was an extremely successful day, with everyone having more food, and having soft mattresses to sleep on, as well as having a relatively safe roof over our heads.

The next day Rapier took his band off again into town, this time for clothes, arguing that we needed more, even though we had so many clothes that we had to start getting suitcases to fit them all in. I couldn't blame him though, shoplifting requires all your focus on the task, taking your mind off other things, which, for someone who just lost their girlfriend, would seem like a good thing to do.

While they were away, the rest of us got bored and painted our insignia on the wall, making it seem like we were graffiti artists, which I took pride in doing. When we were finished, we let it dry, then we painted the same thing, only askew by a couple of millimeters.

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