The Mall

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  • Dédié à Berniya

*At the Mall*

Your POV

You and Liyah got out of the car and so did the guys you walked into the mall

Liyah: I think we should split up and meet up at the food court in an hour

You: Okay who goes with who

Liyah: Roc and Ray come with me and Prince you go with Y/N *winks at you*

Roc: But I wanted to go with Y/N

Liyah: *smacks Roc upside the head* SHUTUP BOY

Roc: Damn *rubs head*

Prince: *winks at you* Ready to go?

Everybody splits up and goes with the plan

*You and Prince*

You: So....where ya wanna go?

Prince: OOO over here *grabs your hand and leads you to a music store*

You: *blushing* Uhhh

Prince starts to sing Come as you are by Nirvana You start to sing along

Prince: What you know bout Nirvana?

You: Nigga Please I listen to them all the time

Prince: Oh really what's your favorite song of theirs?

You: Smell like teen spirit

Prince: Impressive

You: Yea

*With Liyah and Roc and Ray*

Liyah: Where yall wanna go

Ray: Home

Liyah/Roc: TO BAD

Ray: *sighs real loud*

Liyah: lets go to Build-A-Bear


Liyah: Man I swear you 5 years old mentally

Roc: *looks at Ray* You Gay bro?

Ray: -_________- Whatever

They go into Build-A-Bear and Liyah makes a pink bear and Ray makes a Purple bunny and Roc just stands outside waiting


Yall meet up 

Liyah: Where yall wanna eat?

Ray: Taco Bell

Roc: McDonalds

Princeton: Pizza

Liyah: I want pizza

Ray: -___- Im goin over there to Taco Bell *walks away*

Roc: Pizza will work for me

Liyah: -____- somebody go get Ray

Roc: Why you always messin with him?

Liyah: *rolls eyes* Nevermind lets just go eat

Yall eat pizza while Ray eating tacos

*At Home*

Wat yall think? was it good?

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