Chapter 32

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Loki's Pov

Wow. It felt weird to be back on the farm. It's like I never left. Except of course that the gang was here. I can't believe that bitch came here. I can tell its only a matter of time before someone explodes. I can tell it will probably be Lyv. She's always wanted to settle down and raisea family, but it's hard in our lifestyle.

Maybe she could get out with Soda. Well, enough of this chick-flick moment. I need to focus on the run. I get to drive while Jesse will be riding shotgun. I feel bad about sending the gang back to Tulsa, but Lyv's right. They can't get in trouble with the police.

I don't want to be the reason the family is broken up. Time to get some sleep. I drifted off to sleep.

I awoke the next morning to "Heat of the Moment" blasting next to my ear.

Rise and shine Loki - Lyv yelled. Ugh, i hate mornings.

Asia,really?- I asked. Lyv grinned like a idiot.

Yep and get dressed. We need to go over the plan once again before we go.- she told me.

I groaned and flopped back down. Its too early for this.

And uncle jesse said if you aren't up on the next two minutes he'll send Bo in to wake you up - she called to me as she walked out of the room.

Shit. I jumped out of bed and scrambled to find clothes. Bo's version of a wake up call involves a bucket of ice cold water. I suffered enough when i lived here. After i threw on a black tank top and jeans i walked into the kitchen. Everyone was there but me.

Bo whined" aww i wanted to wake her up" Everyone laughed at this.

Not today dumbass- i told him.

Okay let's go through the plan one more time-lyv said. Everyone groaned.

Lyv we've been over it ten times. I think we got it- jesse voices my opinions.

Well im sorry for not wanting anything to go wrong.- lyv snapped at us.

Alright lyv. But it's time to go- luke said.

Okay. Good luck and keep an ear on the cb.- she told us.

Hell yea! -i screamed running to my car.

Let's do this.

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