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'What have you heard, Zombie?'

'Not a lot. Her last squad said they couldn't handle her.'

'Its a girl?' Teacup sqeeuks. 'She must be very strong then if her squad can't handle her.' Teacup smiles bright. 'I like her already.' Ben's lips curl up. They can really use some toughness, girl or guy, who cares.

'What's her name?' Oompa asks.

'It was Mutie I recall.'

'And she is right here.' Everyone turns their head to see Reznik in the doorway. A girl behind her. 'This is Mutie. Mutie, this is your new squad.' Reznik pushes Mutie foreward. Ben stands up and takes a step towards the girl.

'I'm Zombie.' He says. Giving her a smile.

'Hi.' She says. In a low voice. Interesting.

53 - Ben ParishWhere stories live. Discover now