Some Time After

"Hey Jade, you're looking better."

"Thanks Batchi, how are things with Wila and business?"

"Great, we're taking it one client a day and they're coming more often now, you're right about putting up an events business."

"You are just good at handling business, that's the secret."

"By the way, Althea said you'll be driving with her and Kathleen to one of your farms?"

"Yeah, for the flower picking, you know K, she wants to see it for her to believe it that Violets are not blue." I joked

"Ahuh, she's the seeing is believing type." Batchi agreed and we laughed.

"Wow, you're laughing now. Progress." Althea suddenly beamed from behind us.

"Yeah, it's not like Jade's drepressed or something right Jadey?" Kathleen turned to me and I just smiled.

"You ready to bolt Jadey?" Althea turned to me

"Yeah, I'll be driving."

"Are you sure you can?"

"Of course, it's not like I'm too depressed to do anything." I said before walking out of the café, hearing Batchi's supressed giggle.

I walked straight to my car, slip behind the steering wheel, once in I turned the music on the stereo loud enough for neither of them to start a conversation with me. I put my things on the front passenger seat just so Althea couldn't sit beside me. I know she noticed it but I pretend I didn't.

They sat in the back, Kathleen's not trying so hard to keep her hands by herself, Althea's trying to control Kathleen's advances and I tried hard enough not to pull on a sudden stop that'll cause Kathleen to bang her head against the front passenger seat.

Good thing the flowers Kathleen wants for her bouquet and general arrangements can be found in our farm in Tagaytay so we didn't have to drive all the way to Baguio. And while we're driving along Tagayatay road, I spotted an abandoned establishment strategically located by the cliff facing the beautiful view of the Taal volcano. My eyes were glued to the empty establishment mainly because it almost looked familiar to me and the closer I drive by the more vivid my memory of the place became. And we as directly pass by it, a vision came into my eyes by surprise causing me to pull on a sudden stop and as expected Kathleen bump her head on the front passenger seat.

"Aww! Jade seriously?!" Kathleen exasperated

"Jadey are you okay?" Althea worried

"I- uhh yeah, I just thought I saw someone I know."

"Someone you know in the middle of nowhere?" Kathleen rolled her eyes at me, and Althea instantly reprimanded her.

"Are you sure you're fine? I can drive us and you can just tell me where we're going?" Althea offered

"No, it's fine. I'm fine." I countered, letting go of the brake and gradually accelerating. And that's when I realize where I saw the establishment. It was in my last dream.

After forty-five minutes of driving we reached our farm by the foot of a mountain, we were welcomed by my employees. While I let Althea and Kathleen roam around the farm I checked on the office and talked to my manager and over-all care taker to know the updates and things like that. It actually felt like the first time I ever did that, but the knowledge my memory supplied me proved that I must have been doing this for five years now, considering my age and the year I started taking charge of the things in our family business.

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