Trouble with a Dozen First Meetings

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Some Time After

"Hi you're Jade right? Jade Howell the new student?" Althea asked, of course she hasn't told me her name yet I just know who she is after meeting her for the 'first time' for a hundred maybe even a thousand times now that most have been long forgotten.

There are a few times that I do remember though, when I met her at a bakeshop when we were younger that was my favorite 'first meeting' because she somehow seems to recognize me and that's where our connection was the strongest. I also met her here, we're third year high school students. I met her when she was already getting married with Kathleen I was unfortunately Kathleen's maid of honor. I met her when she was dying because of a gunshot, I was her doctor. I met her in all the kinds of possible first meeting a person could possibly meet someone and yet they're all in the wrong time.

There should only be three proper meetings, first was the original one, which I cannot find and remember, second is how we meet now and the third is my make believe reality. But the messed up imaginary clock in my life seems to be having a good time stalling me away from the proper timeline.

"Hi, I'm Jade." I introduce for the nth time

"I'm Althea, Althea Guevarra." It is for the nth time she said the same kind of introduction and still she takes my breath away.

"So what do you need Althea Guevarra?"

"I was just wondering if you are interested with poetry and literature?" She smiled


"You see Jade, I am the school publication editor-in-chief and we're currently looking for a literary editor, so what do you think?"

"But don't you need to interview me and test my writing skills first?" I frowned

"Actually yeah, but then I was able to read your English test while I was stacking the papers after class and I must say I was pretty impressed with your verse. You wrote that right?" She eagerly explained as she sat in front of me.

"Y-yes. But I just write from time to time, for my own pleasure. I don't know if my works are worth publishing." I worried

"Come on Jade, it's going to be just fine. We're still in highschool, whatever we publish, all they have to do is read." Althea winked, and I can't help but blush.

"If you say so, I'm in." I said giving in to the need of getting involved with something I can connect with her.

"Cool! That's great, so I'll see you later for the meeting with the members?" She exclaimed

"Yeah, what time?"

"Around four-thirty at the library, the study room with The Villager label, that's our school publication name."

"Sure, I'll be there." I nod

"Thank you Jade."

"You're welcome Althea."

After having lunch, I walked around the track and field bleachers spotting a huge Narra tree, I sat by its huge roots and just closed my eyes for a short visit with my other Althea.

Some Time During

"Althea." I called out to her, she's in her favorite part of the school, the old music building.

"Hey where have you been? You didn't answer my phone calls since last night, I got worried." She pouted as she continued to play the piano.

"Remember what I told you about the other Althea on the other side?" I hesitated

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