Unsung Hero

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Unsung Hero by Meghanreviews


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Format: Novel

Chapters: 49

Word Count: 199,960


Rating: Mature

Warnings: Strong Language, Strong Violence, Scenes of a Sexual Nature

Genres: Drama, General, Romance

Characters: Harry, Hermione, Dumbledore, Voldemort

Pairings: Harry/Hermione

First Published: 01/28/2007

Last Chapter: 06/04/2008

Last Updated: 06/04/2008


There are two things to know about Harry Potter. One: He kicks butt. Two: No one cares. Why? Because Daniel Potter is the Boy Who Lived. Book 6 compliant. Takes place in year 7.


Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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The Unsung Hero

Harry Potter was a rather lonely soon-to-be-seventh-year. Since he could recall, he'd had it rough. From the tender age of one, fate and destiny had burdened young Harry with many of life's injustices. The most lamentable injustice would be known as Daniel Potter.

Daniel was Harry's twin brother and was hailed as the Boy-Who-Lived by the wizarding world. Being slightly better than an above average wizard, Daniel Potter was also Gryffindor's, Hogwarts', and Dumbledore's golden boy. It was as if sunshine blew out his arse.

And if that wasn't enough, there were Harry's parents. One would think two wonderful people such as Lily and James Potter, would never let the fame of one son overshadow the other, but unfortunately they did. It was Daniel Potter who was the apple of his parents' eye.

Harry didn't blame them most days, after all his parents had barely been grownups before they married and had him and his brother. Other days though, that didn't stop him from feeling overwhelming bitterness and resentment, despite having accepted the facts that were his life.

Those being:

1. Everybody loved and adored Daniel Potter.

2. Nobody loved or noticed Harry Potter.

It was especially hard on Harry when his brother got credit for the things Harry had done. For example, in first year when he had fought with Professor Quirrell for the Sorcerer's Stone or the amazing defeat of a eighty foot basilisk in second year. It didn't stop there. The recapture of Peter Pettigrew in third and figuring out Professor Moody was being impersonated in year four were attributed to Daniel Potter as well.

What was worse, and perhaps most unforgivable of all was Daniel never saying otherwise. He never dissuaded anyone of their notions and lorded it over Harry in private. What could Harry do about it?

Well, one thing was for sure, Harry was doing something about it. At the end of every school year, Harry would sneak into the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts' school library and steal a few books for summer reading. Having done this since first year, Harry was quite knowledgeable about many things which he shouldn't be. Things that would make Hermione Granger, Ravenclaw's queen know-it-all, green with envy if he were to ever flaunt it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2009 ⏰

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