
153 3 11

I don't want to do this >.>

Tagged by Lil_Miss_Cinderella

1) Are you named after anyone?

Yeah, my uncle.

2) When was the last time you cried?

I dunno. Preschool?

3) Do you like your handwriting?

If I can read it >.>

4) Favorite lunch meat?

Who likes lunch meat? It's gross. I like bacon. Does that count?

5) Do you have kids?

Let's see, there's Arya and me's child, , and then I think I had partial custody of Link at one point, but I lost those rights in the divorce (Thanks Opera), and then me and Tonks Rosier had a few kids, I think there was at least five of those, we only names the first three though. I can't remember their names, they were eaten by spiders. (I don't care what Opera says, it was her fault). Etc, etc.

6) If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?

Um, yeah. Cause I'm awesome. Besides, I'm friends with Arya and we all know we're the same person, so I already am friends with myself >.>

7) Do you use sarcasm a lot?

Only when people are stupid, so... Yes.

8) Do you still have your tonsils?


9) Would you bungee jump?


10) Whats your favorite cereal?

Captain Crunch

11) Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

Nah, I'm lazy.

12) Do you think you're strong?

I like to think so. -shrugs-

13) Favorite ice cream flavor?

Cookies and cream

14) first thing you notice about people?

It's kinda weird, but I immediately figure out which fictional character they remind me of the most.

15) Red or pink?

Red. It reminds me of the blood of my enemies.

16) what's your least favorite thing about yourself?

Nothing. I'm perfect. -rolls around like Draco-

But probably my temper.

17) Who do you miss the most?

I don't want to answer this.

18) (skipping this one cause I have no idea what it means)


19) what color shoes are you wearing?

I'm not wearing shoes.

20) what was the last food you ate?

Taco Bell cause I'm healthy.

21) what are you listening to right now?

The shouting of angry New Yorkers, with the Doctor Who theme song playing in the background, cause Netflix is life.

22) if you were a crayon, what color would you be?


23) favorite smells?

Idk. Not New York, that's for sure.

24) who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?

I can't remember. Let's just say it was Jennifer Lawrence.

25) Mountain hideaway or beach house?

Beach house.

26) favorite sport to watch?

Boxing. It's amusing.

27) Hair color?

Dark brown.

28) eye color?


29) do you wear contacts?


30) favorite food?


31) scary movie or happy endings?

Neither. -watches Star Wars-

32) last movie you watched?

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

33) what color shirt are you wearing?

...I'm not >.> don't judge me, it's too early to get dressed :|

34) Summer or winter?

Summer, cause winter is death.

35) hugs or kisses?


36) favorite desert?

I honestly don't really eat desert that much.

37) strength training or cardio?


38) computer or tv?


39) what book are you reading?

Who reads these days? -turns on Netflix-

40) what's on your mousepad?

I don't even have a computer >.> but if I did have a mousepad, it would be of me cause I'm perfect. -keeps rolling around like Draco-

And... I'm done.

I tag....




Because if I have to suffer, so do they.
I'd tag RoseLupin27 , too, but Em already did.

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