The Day

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"Buzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!" The alarm clock screams!
Ben opens his eyes slowly as he doesn't want to leave his bed. He looks at the clock. It's 5AM. His mother is waiting patiently outside the door. She has packed up the car for the airport already.
Ben stretches his arms out and begins to wipe away the night from his eyes. He has a stomach ache possibly from the going away dinner or from his nerves. He gets up out of bed and heads to the bathroom to get ready.
It's now 5:45.
Ben is walking out of his room and ready to go. He is taking a look around as he wont be home for along time. He is staring at the chair in the corner where he would do his homework or chat on the phone to his friends.
He looks at the window where he would sometimes sneak out to meet up with people after curfew. And then he opens his top drawer to his dresser and inside lays an envelope with his name on it.
His mom calls for him. "Ben! Hurry up! We have to get you to the airport by 7!"
Ben drops the envelope and rushes out the door.
It's inching closer to 7AM now. Ben, his 2 brothers, and his mom are all at the airport now. As they are all saying there goodbyes and see ya laters, Ben is overcome by anxiety and joy and sadness. He is hugging everyone before he heads to the terminal. His mom desperate not let him go.
Moments pass and he is waiting to board the plane. His family gone. He is about to be on his way to his future.

Meanwhile back at home his mother decides she needs a little bit more of Ben in her life. She goes into his room and lays down on his bed and reminiscing on the past. She knows Ben keeps all of his yearbook photos and school awards in his dresser so she gets up to look at the son she had raised. She opens the top drawer and sees the envelope. She opens up the envelope and starts to look at the letter inside.

It read:
Dear Ben,
I am sorry of how things went this last summer for us. You were so special to me. Thank you for all you have done. In the future I know you will find the love of your life. And I wish it could have been me.

Her eyes widened as if she had seen a ghost. She dropped the letter to the floor and began crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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