Chapter Three

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     As I entered the corridor, I waited in a physical line to be introduced to the hosts. I amused myself in the meantime by admiring the beauty of the house; High ceilings, rich ruby-red walls, and long gilded frames spun about the numerous paintings that lined the room. I realized belatedly, however, that the true charm of the house was the thousands of candles sparkling in every which way. It gave the room a low lighting which aided the signature lusty and romantic aura these functions were famed for. Ms. Wells no doubt had set this entire matchmaking scheme up beautifully. I was impressed.

     "Lord and Lady Windle, and the Honorable Ms. Windle." The footman announced as we approached the trio sat at the head of the room. Mr. and Ms. Wells were much older than I suspected, but I wondered if they were actually as young as my parents without the luxuries that wealth afforded the handsome pair.

     "Welcome!" They said, immediately perking up as I came into view. Wells was by their side, standing for God knows how long amidst this kerfuffle. 

     "My, what a beautiful daughter you have, Lord and Lady Windle. Matthew, tell her she looks lovely."

     I artfully refrained from laughing at the use of Wells' Christian name in polite company. 

     "The picture of a Lady." He said, skirting around the bid to pay me a compliment that I knew was an insult. 

     I frowned.

     "Do excuse him, I am afraid he's a bit worn out after this matchmaking extravaganza I have orchestrated." Ms. Wells chuckled, completely unaware that plainly stating her intentions was hugely improper. 

     Her honesty was refreshing to me, however, and I found myself chuckling too.

     Mama cleared her throat uncomfortably, moved by the plain speech in a less than admiring way.

     Mr. Wells even, as sour as he was, looked put off by this embarrassment. For the first time since I had met him and spent all of my days cursing his rudeness, I actually felt sorry for him.

     "I am glad to experience such rare candor, Ma'am." I said truthfully, hoping my quip would lessen his misery. "It is a natural thing in our society to discuss, and I admire your honesty."

     The woman beamed at me as if she saw a shared heart and nodded once. 

     "Thank you my dear, a keen eye you have indeed. Now please, go enjoy the refreshment table and the dancing. I am sure my Matthew will be taking you a turn very shortly."

     My smile grew tight at that. "An honor ma'am." I said with a tone that shot Mr. Well's not-so-subtle jab at my character flinging right back in his face. 

     Mama and papa had made their polite goodbyes and we disbanded shortly after. I found myself in need of a drink to cool the nerves of rage. When I went to take up with some punch, after the first sip I strongly suspected the concoction was raspberry cordial and gin. I was surprised at what would be considered a lower-class person's drink would be mixed with such an expensive delicacy but understood on some level that the hosts only meant to fit in and impress. I drank more as I noticed the ladies laughing at the funky concoction and turning their noses up at it. 

     "At least there would be money in this match, that is for sure." I heard the beautiful Ms. Beille say.

     "Ms. Windle!" I heard a dreadfully familiar ruckus from the other side of the room and cringed as I was approached once again by the audacious Mr. Menzies. He was wearing some awful and gaudy too-light frock coat that hurt my eyes as candlelight bounced off of it, and I noted he had bathed in some sort of perfume that was not strong enough to mask his stench.

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