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"So, Rose, I heard you're living in your parents old house?" James asked.

"I wonder who you heard that from?" I said looking at Alice. Alice smiled.

I smiled and looked out the window. You can see down the dirt road. Well down the dirt road until it turns. I looked around James' room. His wall is red, the posters on his wall are all of rock bands, his room is bigger then kids rooms should be. He must have gotten the master bed room.

"So, why aren't your parents with you?" James asked.

I looked Alice in the eyes. "Uh, my parents were killed in a fire at our house in New York." I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." James said.

"Yeah, what about you? Where are your parents at?" I asked.

"My dad ran before I was born, and my mom was a cop and she got shot in the head last year." James said.

"Oh." I said.

"Yeah, everyone out here has death in their life." Alice said.

I looked at her, "Really? Well what's your story?" I asked.

"Well, about 2 years ago my mom was drunk and she killed my little brother. Shot him right in the head. When my dad called the cops, my mom went crazy. She tried to kill all of us. Us as in me, my older brother and my younger brother. Before the cops came to our house my mom had hung herself." Alice said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said.

"So, Rose, tell us about yourself." James said.

"Um, there's really not much to tell. I went through depression after my parents died. My brother gave up on me. And now I'm here." I said.

"Oh. Well you sound like a very nice girl." James said.

I laughed, "Yeah, well I'm going back to the house, see you guys later." I said and walked out of the room.

"Rose! Wait!" Alice yelled. She walked out of the room and met up with me. "I'm going home too."

We walked out of James' house and Alice walked to her house and I walked to mine.

I opened the door. It doesn't have a lock on it, so I just shut it and went to my bedroom. I'm not tired, I just felt like leaving James' house. I sat on my bed. I should paint these walls a different color. Black maybe? I don't know. I walked out of the room and went down the stairs. The living room was cold. My brothers room was always hot. My mom liked the cold and my dad said he liked what she liked. The only reason they got married was because Chase needed a father. I walked up stairs to my parents room. I was scared to open the door. What was so bad about it that my parents didn't want me and Chase to see? I opened the door. The walls were white. Everything was white. But, there were knifes, guns, whips, and chains hung on the walls. There was a cage in the corner of the room. And in the middle of the room, a noose was hung from the roof. I shut the door back and walked back down stairs. I sat on the couch. I heard a knock on the door. It's 2 in the morning, who could that be?

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me. James." The voice on the other side of the door said.

I got up and opened the door. James smiled and walked in. James is a very good looking guy. He has tan skin, he looks in shape, and he has short brown hair. Alice is lucky to have a guy like him. I sat back on the couch, James sat next to me.

"Alice is a nice girl, huh?" I said.

"Yeah, she nice." James said.

"You are lucky to have her as a girlfriend." I said.

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