Chapter 2

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Quinn was was still listening to what was going on in the bathroom. She really didn't know what was going on. I mean why would a teacher ask you to leave a bathroom to talk to another student? What was really going on here. How can you fall for someone at first sight? Quinn is straight as they come. She doesn't have a problem with gays. I mean her best friend Brittany is bisexual and Kurt is gay. And her twin sister Charlie said she likes kissing girl but their parents can't never find out. Or they will disown her like they did there big sister Frannie who ran off with a black boy. Maybe she's just overreacting? She can't be confused. Can she? She has a boyfriend. She's dating the cutest boy in school who is the captain of the boys basketball team.

As both Santana and Ms. Holiday is existing the bathroom with Santana face clean from all the crying they both went their separate ways. Quinn went around the corner so she won't get seen by both of them, she saw Ms. Holiday give Santana a quick hug and a kiss on the checks. Is Ms. Holiday dating Santana? What the hell! Maybe if she can get Santana alone she can talk to her.

It was good being the head cheerleader that she can sometimes get away with cutting class. She really didn't feel like going to second period anyway. She just really wanted to try to talk Santana to see if she was ok.

After walking around for a few minutes Quinn finally saw Santana. Santana was at her locker, she know this was her chance to talk to her alone.

Just when Santana was about to shut her locker door, she looked over her shoulder and saw Quinn coming.

"Hey is Santana right?" The blonde asked but, Quinn already knew her name

"Yeah." Said Santana as she turned around to face Quinn

"I just wanted to apologize what happened earlier in the hallway and I promise I won't tell anyone about I felt down there." Quinn replied

"Thanks I appreciate that, is bad enough that I have that."

Quinn was just studying Santana face, she can tell she was crying earlier she still kinda have red eyes.

I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude my name is Quinn Fabray head cheerleader of the Cheerios.I got your first name from my best friend Brittany. She said you are in a couple of her classes?

"Yeah the tall blonde who help me up?" Santana knew who helped her up. She always wanted to talk to Quinn but not like this.


"I'm Santana Lopez." Said Santana

"Nice to meet you Santana." The blonde said

"So I guess I'll see you around?" Santana asked. Maybe one of these days I can try to talk to her but not like this.

"Yeah, but can I ask you something. I know we just met but how do you know Ms. Holiday? She was in the bathroom with you for a while." Quinn asked

"She's my mom, well my godmother. She adopted me when I was 3, I really don't won't people here to find out.

You know she's one of the cool teacher around after been here only for a few days in all. What will people think is they find out "one of the hottest teacher" daughter is a freaking nerd with a penis?"

"Is cool another secret safe with me." Quinn said smiling

"Um Quinn do you know where I can find my bag? I didn't grab it when I ran off earlier."

"I believe Brittany got it I can text her for you, but I have another idea in mind if you up for it?" Quinn asked smirking

"Should I trust you? I mean I seen those movies where the popular girl befriended the school loser. That's what kinda happened at the last school I went to." Santana said to Quinn. But really in the back of Santana mind she was thinking she will probably do anything Quinn will ask her.

"Santana you can trust me. I'm not like that, plus I thought we are friends now Quinn said with a smirk on her face with her left hand out for Santana to grab."

Santana was just standing there thinking should she stay or should she go. Man she was thinking she needs to stop playing rock band, but she do needs another friend besides Rachel after all that might end up as sisters. What's the worst can happen?

Shall we as Quinn leads both of them to the school parking lot to her brand new 2016 red Chevy Camaro

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